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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Inherrited Culture of Money Politic

Picture by Malaysia Chronicle 
Money, power, sex and corruption are embodied into a Malaysian political culture since the early time of economic awakening. The nation enjoyed higher Gross National Income per capita in late 1980’s and continues to fluctuate into a greater number and statistics till today. See The indicator  shows that Malaysia’s economy is growing up tremendously with increasing of Gross National Product fluctuating between max 10.30% and min -6.20%. See Malaysia was once called as the Asian Tiger Economy with fast growing economy in early 1990’s till late millennium; over passing its neighbors Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan.  It was a pride for Malaysia to be the first automotive manufacturer in Asia apart from Japan- with their first breed of Proton Saga. Industries booming by the increasing FDI in every sector of industries named it manufacturing, plantation, technology and finance.
That was the greatest moment for Malaysia under the Mahathirism; the father of modernization, Asian’s genius. Politic was full of turbulence but the economy is growing up. Economic holds the liberalism in Malaysia’s politic under the one party dominance with no competition from opposition. Malaysia enjoyed “stability” under the rigid rule of law and guided democracy. Those worked well for at least 20 years. Democracy was made illiberal with limitation of public’s governance, check and balance and transparency. Oppositions have no voice in the parliament as there were strict acts that forbid then to oppose and object injustice in law-making. Internal Security Act has been used to limit the opposition’s progress and at the same time permits the government to change laws and acts at their will.
Malaysia has enjoy decades of unfair game of political and economic triumph but forgets about the revolution of it citizens. Nevertheless, there is one major power that made Malaysian’s politic at one side dominance; money politics. It is practiced from the highest power stage to the lowest ground of politic. It has been used in selecting party’s councils, representatives and even to the election of party’s branch’s head. This phenomenon is practice well in every party under the coalition named it UMNO, MCA, MIC, PBB, PBS and small minority parties. It is all about wining power battle at all cost because the reward is greater than the risk. In investment term, it is called “high risk with high return”. 
In last general election, money politic decides the majority mostly in rural area where voter are bought by cash, cheque, development projects and not least feast and live band shows. Najib’s freebies worked well with his simple majority although billion ringgit has been “invested” in buying vote from the public servants and the citizens. It was the first in history of Malaysia that the citizens are given such an amount of money to buy vote. RM 500.00 given to every household with the household income less than RM 3000.00, RM 200.00 smart phone rebate for youths and RM250.00 book voucher for students. Government spent billion of ringgit for the freebies which affected their reserve, pension funds, tender acquisition and the claim payment of the civil servants. Many have been affected badly by the rain of money that was initiated to win the general election at all means. Business is getting sluggish when computer is given for free from one monopoly supplier. The value of the government tenders have been shrunken to the minimal to give way for cash gift and all sorts of financial aids. Small and Medium enterprises who rely mostly on government project have to obey the hiking cost of labor and operation with the minimal resources; which affected their income and cash flows.
In every village, money is given to the party committees to be distributed among the voters. Bundles of money are moving in and out form every political campaign and the people sees it as an opportunity to get free money in every 5 years or less. Monetizing politic is the most effective way to be in power and it is proven in most of the election in Malaysia. There is no act to investigate and charge someone who practiced money politic as the power of Election Commission is limited; only to run and regulate the election process. It is a save game for those who keen to invest in money politics.   
Party candidates are sponsored by business person as a stake holder, hoping that they will get return from their nomination fee. It has been practiced long before when politics is made as a business platform by the politicians themselves. Cronyism begins to flourish the politics and its stakeholders which have created the social class divisions, exclusiveness and feudalism. Citizens are arranged by classes based on their economic power and its position in the politic.
Should money politic continue to be as a culture and norm is a democratic Malaysia? Few decades ago it seems to work well in America during the era of it industrial awakening; John.D Roketfeller’s Standard Oil, Andrew Carnegie’s US Steel and J.P. Morgan’s General Electric.  Somehow, the public’s power over passed the money politic in America under the man behind the drama; Theodore Roosevelt.
Unless, if there is courage to defy greed and money politics, we will understand and realize of what we have lack of-integrity.  Malaysia is no more the Asian Tiger economy due to it bad politics, rising of illiberal democracy and polarizations among the citizens. We have lost a of precious time to grow the economy into it glory which has been grabbed by Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea as we enjoy politic more than focusing on building a great nation as it was.  Malaysia can have the best political system and games but if it is lacking in weighing its economic and social burden, it will be an uncertainty in another term of new formed government.     

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Loyalty by Sacrifice and Pain.

We have to vote Barisan Nasional because they care for us since the beginning of the Federation. They have their best track record in developing the country with vast development and achievement. We never receive anything from oppositions and that shows us the oppositions have no money to develop the nation. Have they build the roads, schools, clinics and bus stops? No. They never do.

I try my best to be independent in my writing and keep nobody in the line of criticism and soft accusation. That is my aim to be an independent writer. But then, with so many bad pictures around me, I have to come out from my "biasity" and write what need to be inspired.

In my next chapter of writing (The Lost Aborigine in His Own Country Home; 50 Years of Uncertainties), I will write a lot of tales and evidences of what the native's have suffered under the Federation of Malaya and feudalism practiced in our socio-politic arena. I wish that God will help me and give me inspiration, aspiration and might to write more.

The Bidayuh is well known by their courtesy, friendliness, shyness and their loyalty. They seldom revolt and question their right under the law of which they should do to protect themselves form oppression and marginalization. They have limited understanding of their needs and aspiration to be as equal or greater from others based on their solemn right constituted to them. Therefore, they always deny changes that they should adapt to in order to evolve with the current change of national's politics, economy and social which brought them into great marginalization and deprivation.

Politics of Development has put them into chaos and uncertainties although there is Native Customary Right Law available to protect them form aggressive modernization implementation made by their government. In many cases, the natives are force to abide to the development demand with no mutual agreement have been made to protect them from the oppression from the government in the name of economic prosperity and nation's harmony. They sacrificed a lot to the government to give way to other tribe to enjoy the economic prosperity. They have been displaced and misplaced but still they obey the rule and demand to help the nation to progress. This is how they contribute to the national economic growth but still they hidden from the government agenda.

Bengoh Resettlement issue is still not resolve and yet those affected residences already abandoned their homes to submerged. New settlement seems to be pending due to lack of government's intention to solve the issue within the agreed period of time. Compensation are given to each family to build their house and settle-down at Semadang resettlement sites, but still cannot accommodate their lost  in their submerged villages. 

In the recent case  of new Gazetted Forest Reserved in Ulu Padawan, the Forestry Department gave less time to the villagers to discuss the order and decide either to accept or reject the order. The notice was given during Gawai Festival month where the villagers are busy with their festival preparation. Why should the government overlooked them and enforce authoritarian by all mean to gazette the villages into state reserve forest? I believe there is hidden agenda by the government to acquire this area since it is done is rushing time with no negotiation. In the other hand, the leaders and politicians have never informed the villagers about the matter as it may tarnish their political career and economic survival as minister, district officers, community chief and of course political runners for politicians.     

Chief Minister of Sarawak once said that the native's should not demand compensation form any development project as development will bring prosperity to everyone. But, what is stated in the law must be respect so that no one are left unsatisfied. The natives are not anti-development but they are under-development and under-establishment based on proven scenario in ulu Baram, Kapit and Padawan. Perhaps the natives are ignorance, but that is not the way the government should describes them; ignorance aborigines. The government should not take advantage from the shortcomings of the natives as they should be served as citizens with equal rights or maybe greater right as origin of the forest.

This is a bad frame of loyalty given to the trusted government and it is proven that the native always being the victim of power exclusiveness, denial and deprivation. What more to lose? Where else to go? What else to harvest? Where else to have a peaceful habitat? We have to agree and understand that the natives could foil with the government development agenda only if they are well recognized and respect by the ruling government based on the rule of laws constituted and not by force and authoritarian.   

Monday, June 24, 2013

Mungkin Saya Silap.

(Article posted in Bahasa Malaysia Only)

Ada satu komen dalam blog saya yang bertanyakan apakah sumbangan saya terdahap masyarakat dan penduduk Bidayuh di kawasan saya memandangkan saya suka cakap banyak dan mengkritik suku saya sendiri. 

Saya fikir sejenak dan mula melihat "sumbangan" saya dari segala sudut dan perspektif positif. Mana mungkin saya boleh menyumbang kepada suku bangsa saya kalau saya bukan ahli dewan undangan negeri atau ahli parlimen?

Itu bukanlah hanya perkara yang paling baik untuk menyumbang kepada masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. Politik itu bukan satu-satunya penyumbang kepada pembangunan negara sungguhpun terdapat track-record selama 56 tahun pemerintahan.

Pada saya, saya sudah menyumbang banyak kepada suku dan bangsa saya. Bagaimana itu?

1. Saya bekerja dan gaji saya dipotong kapada cukai pendapatan yang akan disalurkan kepada Lembaga Hasil. Duit cukai itu akan kerajaan gunakan untuk membantu rakyat melalui program ETP dan macam-macam lagi. Itu juga berlaku kepada pekerja-pekerja yang layak untuk pemotongan cukai pendapatan.

2. Saya membelanjakan duit hasil pendapatan saya untuk keperluan harian, hiburan dan sebagainya. Secara langsung saya membayar cukai GST (Good and service tax) yang sentiasa naik setiap tahun. Duit cukai itu akan disalurkan kepada Lembaga Hasil dan akan digunakan oleh kerajaan untuk membantu rakyat melalui ETP dan macam-macam lagi. Itu juga berlaku kepada semua orang yang berbaris di kaunter pembayaran. Kenaikan harga barang keperluan itu tidak menyusahkan kerana kenaikan cukai yang dikenakan itu tidak akan hilang tetapi akan digunakan untuk program pembangunan dan transformasi ekonomi.

3. Saya membayar saman, denda dan kompaun, cukai jalan, cukai rumah, cukai baju, seluar, api, air dan udara. Duit itu akan disalurkan kepada lembaga hasil dan perbendaharaan. Duit itu nanti akan kerajaan gunakan untuk membantu rakyat melalui program ekonomi yang pasti menguntungkan rakyat.

Pada saya, rakyat yang memyumbang banyak kepada negara. Mereka bekerja keras untuk memastikan pendapatan mereka lumayan dan seterusnya dipotong untuk cukai pendapatan. Mereka terus menyokong barangan tempatan dan import supaya cukai hasil yang dikenakan dalam harga runcit (retail price) itu diharapkan akan digunakan sebaik mungkin oleh kerajaan yang memerintah. Tidak rugi beli mee segera dengan harga yang tinggi kerana cukai jualan itu pasti kembali kepada kita melalui pembangunan dan transformasi ekonomi.

Apa yang membezakan politik dan rakyat itu adalah sebelah pihak menyumbang dan sebelah lagi membelanjakan sumbangan. Dalam konteks politik moden, sumbangan itu dikatakan sebagai "tax-payers" money dan bukan duit kerajaan yang memerintah. Oleh itu kerajaan diamanahkan oleh rakyat untuk menggunakan/membelanjakan duit pembayar cukai itu dengan cara yang berhemah. Di Malaysia, politik itu merupakan pelantar untuk menjana kekayaan dan empayar kuasa kerana mereka mempunyai kuasa untuk membelanjakan duit hasil negara yang juga hasil sumbangan rakyat. Apabila duit tersebut terlalu banyak dan tak ada idea nak berbelanja, merka buat kandang lembu dan iklan internet yang mahal-mahal supaya mereka mendapat komisen daripada kontraktor dan vendors.

Sebab itu kalau kita hendak membekal sebatang pensel ke sekolah, kita kena letak harga RM 10.00 sebatang kerana RM 2.00 nanti adalah komisen politik yang meluluskan tender. sebab itu semua orang berebut-rebut nak jadi ahli politik kerana ia program cepat kaya (bergantung kepada pihak politik yang mana satu). Akibatnya, rakyat telang hilang sumbangan yang banyak itu kerana politik rasuah dan salahguna kuasa dalam urus tadbir sumbangan rakyat jelata.

Di kawasan halaman saya, konsep itu tidak difahami kerana apa yang datang ke kampung itu semuanya daripada saku YB dan ahli politik. Biarpun enjin pengisar padi, pengiling getah, kerusi plastik mahupun balai raya. Kata mereka itu semua YB "sianu" yang kasih. Jadi, bagi kita yang tidak terlibat dalam arena politik itu hanyalah pencacai dan pembangkang kerana tidak menyumbang kepada masyarakat setempat dan kampung halaman. Sebab itu, apabila saya menulis cerita, saya selalu ditanya " apa sumbangan kamu?". Sumbangan saya sangat banyak. Bukan melaui saluran politik tetapi melalui kesetiaan dan ketaatan kepada sistem pentadbiran negara seperti orang yang melakukan perkara yang sama.

Yesus mengatakan, bukan orang kaya yang memberi banyak ke tabung persembahan yang akan mendapat kerajaan shurga tetapi perempuan balu yang memberi sekeping syiling itu kerana dia memberi segala apa yang dia miliki sungguhpun dia hidup dalam serba kekurangan

Can Bidayuh Think?

We are the most recipients of subsidized good since we are still living under the poverty line. Our household income would be at RM 600.00 per household. We work as shifting farmers, labors, government servants, private sector servants and a few contractors. No entrepreneurs perhaps.

We have to stick to the current ruling party because we need help and assistance from our government. There is no way that opposition can help us because they have no money, no solid economic development plan and their manifesto is impossible; free education, reduction of tariffs, taxes and subsidies. Their manifesto will make our country bankrupt in 5 years or less and the rakyat will be in great suffer and depression.

I read their manifesto and it seems to be a great offer and promises. Nothing more or less. Just good enough to reconsider. I have read the same kind of manifesto by the BN's people agenda and prosperous country. Not least; reduction price of goods versus more kedai Rakyat 1 Malaysia. Tough fight indeed but people will consider th best solution of all kind of pricing havoc.

I believe that we (government and me) need to tackle the root issue of pricing havoc. Trillions Ringgit of government subsidies will never solve the problem of the pricing havoc. More Kedai Rakyat and Kedai Kain 1 Malaysia is a mere political agenda and that is why we see our lovely outlet at 12th Mile and Tarat Jaya are quite empty. I don't blame the packaging and the price as that is a practical way to reduce price; simple packaging, no advertisement, eliminate middle-man and reduce labor.

Perhaps, this is the right time to speak out our thought on government's stand on "extreme monopoly" that made us desperate and rely a lot on government subsidies. Creative capitalism could be a friendly approach to talk to capitalist on how they can help the poor and needy. We were the world's palm oil producers and yet we still pay a high price on cooking oils. What the government does is keep on paying SIME Darby, Felda Global Venture and oil palm related producers more money to help the people to fry their fish and chicken. When the CPO price drops, those producers stop buying palm oil fruit and keep their stock until the CPO global market "recovers" and the production start to increase again. Somehow, the price of cooking oil never decrease.

Air Asia group is a good example of airliner business that help Malaysian travelling all over the places. Low price and low reliance on government assistance especially on MAB (Malaysian Airport Berhad) taxes. They have their (own) airport LCCT (Low cost carrier Terminal) because they knew that to provide a cheap service, everything must be cheaper but the standard of service is maintains. This business innovation should be a good example for creative capitalism in such a challenging and tough business competition. They have proven it; world best low cost carrier! And not like LION Air.

Get back to the monopoly and pricing headache, we tend to give "alternative" and leave the problem solved by itself. Build more 1 Malaysia shop with attractive prices. I don't see it as a good practices in business view but a lost because KR1M (Kedai Rakyat 1 Malaysia) cannot increase their sale with less target group or customers with almost whole day of empty shops. What government can do is to regulate and monitor extreme monopoly before we cannot handle the balloon of deficit, inflation and imbalance of social living; the gabs between the rich and poor. We must learn from USA's wall street "disaster" which Obama has a great headache to monitor. Most Americans think and believe that Wall Street must stop being greedy because they couldn't solve the issue of un-employment and inflation. But it is too late because American is built by capitalist and monopoly and not by good politic. The two power cannot get along as American greed is greater than American nation building. They called it American Dream ( making wealthy American) and now they are American Greeds!. End up, they face the same issue, desperation to survive in a "illing" morale country with racial issue, job and politic.

If our politic is good then, we should talk to Syed Moktar, Albert Kwok, Ananda Krisnan and other UMNO-BN tycoons the government desire and willingness to have a "healthy" rakyat. If they refuse, then they are not interested to be a citizen with equal right of citizenship. Furthermore, they have even more at overseas such as China, India and European countries. Helping or leaving; after all they rely on Malaysian resources to be a wealthy person today.

This is not about Socialism economy but perhaps a good approach of how to help the government to ease the burden of subsidies and assistance to help the people. Yes. Maintain the profit and don't be greedy. Take what is needed and give the rest to the people not through foundations and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) but by reducing price of good and services. I believe that if our monopolies and capitalists feel the people's heart beat, we don't need more cheap sales shops and subsided goods. The only entity that can talk to those rich people is politic and lawmakers and not the people with no power and ability

Re-building a Young Malaysia.

Malaysia - A nation for all races. 

56 Years old Nation is a young and long journey for Malaysia to catching up with the rest of it neighbors. Indonesia is rising up after years of survival form great nation "confusion" and Myanmar is loosing down their Junta government by welcoming democracy through global's watch on political oppression and intimidation to NLD's Aung San Suu Kyi the daughter of Modern Burma founder, Mr. General Aung San.

Indonesia survived decades of Socialist dictator, Sukaerno who founded Indonesia Raya. Soon after that, Acheh Independent Movement, Economic dooms by corruptness of Suharto and political trials with Gus Dur, Students Reformation and ethnic violent in Sambas, Ambon and religion conflicts in some other places. Indonesia is the biggest country in the South East Asia with less wise people to manage it. Somehow, as time changes and the people on United Nation of Republic Indonesia see the best for their country, they raise up and join hands to re-build the ruins. Now, Indonesia is moving faster than ever before with plantations, industrial and foreign direct investors are coming in. My facebook friend told me that last week, Indonesia has their very first business outsourcing policy which will break- down monopoly and profit sharing through outsourcing. Indonesia is doing great this time and will be greater in few years to come.

Malaysia was a great country in 1990's when Vietnam is recovering from civil war funded by America and Soviet Union. South Korea also recovering from arsenal test by both superpower. Mahathir has set a policy for Malaysia to look to the east (Japan) to increase productivity, discipline in civil services and bringing industry to Malaysia. Malaysia first industrial hub was Shah Alam with its heavy industrial activities. We have good port in Johore and Port Klang. We enjoy so much prosperity where government servants enjoy 1-2 month of salary bonuses every years. Mahathir invented modern Malaysia for more than 20 years from a agricultural country.

Somehow, the growth slowing down and Malaysia seems to be retarded or malnutrition. Its neighbors see it as an opportunity to raise up and compete with the best policy to move their country. Singapore went into Multinational economy and enhance their country with the best economic policy that relevant to Singaporeans. Mr. Harry Lee (Mentor Minister Lee Kuan Yew) built Singapore from a swamp into a metropolitan with no natural resources. What he did was calling all the rich multinational companies to invest in Singapore as their second office to manage their business in Asia Pacific. They came in and built their office with attractive condition from Singapore government. Singapore overtook Malaysia and they survive in a vast Malay archipelago. " The world will never see a great Singapore without Mr. Harry Lee" :- Tom Plate, Conversation with Lee Kuan Yew.

Perhaps, Malaysia have to "calibrate" and adjust their policy and vision to be the best among the rest. We have lost too much from decades of confusion, lost of direction and silly grumbles. We spent to much time to "relocate" or harmonious country by differentiate the citizen into category of race, religion and political party. Too much race and culture to take care of and yet nothing improves. Racial policies and plan are no more relevant to Malaysia because the citizens are no more bonded by wide gab of economic separation. The Malay is no more leaving in the village planting paddy and so to the Indians in the rubber estate while the Chinese making business in town. Malaysia is well united and they life in such a healthy environment with mutual respect and understanding. What tarnished it was racial political parties that could not see a subsided policy for Malaysia. UMNO with Malays agenda and supremacy and MCA with Chinese with business empires. The Dayak with dayak's matters and so to the rest of the races.

We lost our direction because we spent so much time to grumble among our-self. We talk about vision and prosperous nation and yet we do a little about it and doing a lot of "race polishing" policy to benefits a group of people. There is imbalance race in civil servants which affected the Indians and they end up with Hindraf. The Malay-Muslim feel that Islam is exaggerated by Freedom of Religion and they end up with PERKASA with a vocal leader who fears no law. Malaysia will have no time to accomplish their visions 2020 if they could not get back to their original track. 1 Malaysia should be a good platform for a less time of implementation. Uphold rule of law and defer religious and racial supremacy will be the best policy for a multi-racial and multi-cultural country. Najib is having such a hard time to rule Malaysia with a lot of unnecessary issue that he has to digest alone.

I see street protest, explosives and riots in Malaysia which is never happen in my entire life. BERSIHs, HINDRAF, PERKASA and so much fraction in the country that were masterminded by a group of people in the name of freedom and equality. Those should never happens in the first place if we have a good governance; listen to the people and tolerate "rebellion" and talk about it and solve it. In fact, we see arrogant government that uses enforcement to intimidate precious voices of the country. We rather put a water canon in the street than good debate to educate the public and having a mutual understanding to run the country in a good manner and better way.

We see more sex videos and lies in TV rather than "balance" and relevant news by the media. 90% of the TV shows tarnishes opposition party and individuals who could not agree with the government. We put too much effort on lies and forget our very responsibly to improve patriotism through medias. Therefore, we lost our intention to build a strong and harmonious country and what we do the most is gossiping and condemning other people. A great nation is not determined only by their economic and military power but the direct involvement between the government and the citizens to build the country from zero ground into a developed country.

There is a lot to do in Malaysia. We have put our education system into rat cage for experiment which in unwise move to produce an educated citizen. Politician will never loose form the policy as they send their children to oversea to study. The victim are the people who "craving" for better education without sending their kids to oversea. Years of flip-flops and million ringgit of expenses only produces incompetent fresh graduates which are the corner-stone for Malasian human capital.

We need to refurnished freedom of religion so that no one is intimidated by "supreme" religion to build a healthy social living. No one should confiscate holy writings and no one should preach a bad image of other religion. Perhaps, we should practice moderate religion and what is the best for multi-racial country is a silent prayer in a room. There should be none of us proclaim God ownership in the public but into our very heart.

Malaysia must catching up or else they will get retarded and lag behind. Hopefully, GE13 will determine what is the best for Malaysia. I beg to defer for better Malaysia

Mungkin Saya Silap Lagi.

(Article Posted in Bahasa Malaysia Only)

Selama 9 tahun saya memerhatikan perjalanan politik kita Bidayuh dan perjalanan itu penuh dengan drama dan cerita yang amat menarik. Memang diketahui oleh rakan-rakan saya bahawa saya ini pantang duduk diam dan sentiasa menulis. Saya mula bercerita dan bermesra dengan isu politik Bidayuh sebelum graduasi melalui satu forum lama (CSS mode) iaitu Britong. Disana saya selalu membawa cerita kanak-kanak dan sering disebat oleh golongan dewasa dan cerdik pandai dalam soal politik Bidayuh. Lama-kelamaan, saya mula menyedari dan mengetahui lebih banyak ilham dan idea dalam penulisan saya apabila bersemuka dengan beberapa teman yang agak berumur dan mengetahui banyak hiruk-pikuk politik kita.

Saya memulakan The Lost Aborigine in His Own Country Home pada tahun 2008. Pada masa itu, blog dan laman sosial sedang mula berkembang dan impak daripada arus informasi dan erkongsian maklumat ini telah mencetuskan "tsunami" politik pada pilihanraya 2008. Saya turut serta dalam penulisan idea dan cadangan saya dan kadang-kadang diterbitkan dalam laman blog "terkemuka". Itulah permulaan freedom of speech and idealism yang tidak terbatas.

Kembali kepada cerita politik Bidayuh itu, saya selalu mencanangkan isu-isu yang agak lapuk dan ditelan zaman seperti isu tanah adat dan "marginalization" masyarakat Bidayuh dalam arena politik negara yang kaya dan makmur ini. Saya selalu mengatakan Bidayuh miskin, terbiar, tidak berpelajaran dan "kolot" kerana terus menyokong kerajaan yang kurang mendengar mereka. Saya selalu kena bantai dan tenyeh dalam komen laman blog saya tersebut.

Sungguhpun begitu, saya tidak pernah serik dan penat mencanang kerana itulah kebenaran yang saya rasa dan alami saat saya tinggal di kampug halaman. Jalannya rosak, anak-anak kurang zat makanan. sekolah mundur dan pengangguran. Saya melihat itu sebagai isu yang sangat besar walaupun pembaca dan audiences saya melihat is sebagai non-issue atau isu kampung. Kenapa? Saya sering ke Kuala Lumpur dan Salangor dan melihat cara hidup golongan India dan Melayu sangat berbeza. Mereka kerja rajin sungguhpun pendapatan kecil. Mereka sangat efisien dalam pentadbiran negeri dan jarang saya melihat anak-anak tidak turun ke sekolah.

Di Sabah juga tidak kurang bezanya dengan kita di Sarawak. Kemiskinan dan pergelutan peluang dengan penatang asing. Kita bertuah kerana kita tidak banyak PTI yang sering merebut peluang pekerjaan dan ekonomi mikro sungguhpun ada golongan Arab dan Pakistan mula buka kedai di pekan-pekan dan desa. Mungkin mereka mempunyai niat yang baik untuk berniaga dan bukannya ingin mencantas peluang perniagaan anak tempatan. Kalau di Sabah, PTI bersaing dari jual rokok di jalanan hinggakan pekerjaan buruh mahir.

Kemenangan besar BN di kawasan Bidayuh pada Ahad lepas membuat saya berfikir sejenak. Apakah isu saya masih relevan untuk masyarakat Bidayuh? Saya sentiasa menceritakan cerita Bidayuh miskin dalam Barisan Nasional sedangkan sokongan mereka terhadap Barisan Nasional semakin kuat dari tahun ke tahun.

Antara sedar dan tidur, masyarakat kita terus terpinggir dibuai harapan mengunung dalam Barisan Nasional yang akhirnya membuat mereka "stagnant" dalam bidang politik, ekonomi dan sosial. Saya mengharapkan kerajaan baru pada hari Isnin tetapi Sabah dan Sarawak telah menubuhkan kerajaan pusat mendahului semenanjung Malaysia. Berfikiran jauh dan berani mengambil risiko itu adalah bukan asam-garam Bidayuh kerana mereka telah disemai deangan adat takut-menakutkan sesama sendiri. Mereka ingin melihat kampung halaman mereka maju dan terjaga tetapi itulah penantian mereka selama 50 tahun. Satu YB ke satu YB, Bidayuh tetap sama dari 50 tahun yang lepas hingga hari ini. Inilah tamadun yang paling perlahan yang lihat selepas tamadun Melayu. 

Saya selalu Silap:

Antara Mandat dan Kuasa Exclusive. 
(Article Posted in Bahasa Malaysia Only)
Panca PRU-13 banyak membincangkan tentang keputusan undi dan faktor kepada "Tsunami Urbanisasi" atau yang Najib katakan "Tsunami Cina". Debat dan forum dalam TV hari ini sangat hangat membincagkan soal polarisasi kaum, "super race", kekecohan pembangkang dan juga soal mencari pokok pangkal kemerosotan sokongan penundi bandar terhadap Barisan Nasional.

Saya merasakan Tsunami Cina itu sangat bahaya diperkatakan kerana kita harus akur dengan kedudukan kita sebagai negara multi-racial dan multi-culture. Mungkin "Tsunami urbanisasi" itu adalah pendekatan yang baik memandangkan golongan bukan-cina juga menduduki kawasan bandar. Mereka menolak BN bukan kerana faktor "ideology error" tetapi kerana mereka ingin melihat kerajaan yang baik dimana pemimpin bukan lagi mengelar diri mereka "exclusive" dan untouchable. Sebaliknya mereka ingin melihat pemimpin yang berjiwa rakyat yang mampu memimpin mereka kearah pembentukan negara bangsa yang unggul dalam sistem demokrasi yang subur di Malaysia.

Bagi kita masyarakat Dayak-Bidayuh, kita harus meneliti dan memahami bahawa politik perkauman harus ditolak sekiranya ia tidak membawa faedah kepada kita. Mungkin kita tidak tahu/kurang pengertian akan sistem demokrasi moden; maksudnya kerajaan rakyat, oleh rakyat untuk rakyat. Kita terjerat diantara kelas sosial yang disebabkan faktor exclusiveness. Pemimpin kita melihat diri mereka sebagai yang paling berkuasa dan maha tahu justeru melupakan tanggungjawab mereka sebagai "servant of the people." Rakyat pula melihat diri mereka terlalu kecil dan kerdil sehinggakan kita takut bersuara atau tidak mahu bersuara kerana kedudukan kita dalam sistem "feudal" yang kita sedang alami masa kini. Lihat saja apabila kita mengutarakan pendapat dan luahan dalam laman sosial dan media alternatif, kita sering "ditegur" atau disangkal keras seperti tanpa melihat inti-pati permasalahan penduduk. Apakah pemimpin yang begini boleh menjadi aspirasi dan inspirasi masyarakat kita? Apakah aspirasi dan inspirasi mereka terdahap rakyatnya pula?

Dalam konteks kerajaan demokrasi moden, rakyat harus berhak untuk menyuarakan pendapat dan tuntutan daripada pemimpin mereka. Britain telah membuat satu inquiri khas untuk menyoal Tony Blair tentang jenayah perang di Afghanistan dan beliau hadir memberi penjelasan yang sebaik mungkin dan bukannya menolak inquiri tersebut sebagai inquiri nakal dan jahat. Mungkin demokrasi kita sangat berbeza kerana hak dan suara kita telah dibeli dengan harga RM10.00 upah dan RM 40.00 tambang. Dari itu kita menjadi bisu kerana hak kita telah lunas dibayar.

Mohamed Bouazizi pada 17 December 2010, memilih untuk mati kerana tenakan korupsi di Tunisia. Ini amat menyedihkan masyarakat antarabangsa dan revolusi Tunisia mula menular ke Mesir, Lybia dan negara-negara timur tengah. Mereka telah menolak exclusiveness dan mendambakan pimpinan rakyat, tapi malangnya Syria hari ini telah ditetakkan di antara kuasa veto senhinggakan begitu ramai nyawa terkorban. Inilah kesilapan kuasa-kuasa besar. Tidak tahu menyelesaikan masalah kecil.

Berbalik kepada Dayak-Bidayuh exclusiveness, kita harus tahu bahawa pemimpin kita adalah dipilih dan diamanahkan untuk membawa perubahan menyeluruh dalam masyarakat. Kita memilih mereka kerana kita yakin dan mempercayai akan kebolehan mereka untuk membawa kita ke arah kemodenan intelek, politik, ekonomi dan sosial. Seharusnya tidak ada jurang permisahan antara wakil rakyat dan rakyatnya sebalik kedua-dua entiti ini harus saling mendukung antara satu sama lain untuk membentuk masyarakat madani dan mempunyai jati diri yang tinggi.

Cina telah meolak SUPP dan apakah wakil kita dalam parti ini mampu bergerak selesa dangan sokongan yang amat kurang? Satu MP dan 2 ADUN. Mereka menolak SUPP kerana BN tidak lagi relevant sebagai komponen parti racist tetapi parti kroni dan korupsi yang telah banyak merugikan negara. Ideologi BN amat baik jika dihayati sepenuhnya. Gagasan 1 Malaysia harus didukung oleh segenap masyarakat berbilang kaum kerana itulah gagasan terbaik dalam "national conciliation". Malangnya ada setetengah pihak melihat diri mereka sebagai agung dan tertinggi sehinggakan gagasan tersebut menjadi gagasan 2 muka. Sekejap "Allah boleh" dan sekejap lagi "Pertahankan kalimah Allah". Sebaik-baiknya gagasan itu dijadikan pemalar dan bukannya pembolehubah dalam membentuk masyarakat berbilang kaum yang sangat kompleks dari segi pemikirannya, demands dan penerimaanya.

Konklusinya, masyarakat harus menolak exclusiveness dan harus bersuara untuk kepentingan semua pihak dalam masa yang sama menghormati segala aspek pandangan orang lain dengan hati terbuka (openness)

Towards Malay's Government Glory.

There were two groups of voters in last 13th General Election. One group is still value the hope for more developments and another one is the group that demanded a more democratic, clean, just and transparent government. Some called the PRU 13 as Racial Tsunami and People Tsunami. These two giant's clash divided the people into two; conventional politic (development, unity, harmonious, racial politic) and new order of politic (clean, just, transparent and decent).

Nevertheless, the new cabinet line-up this year is quite different in term of representatives. It’s a UNMO domination from both peninsular and Sabah. Almost 80% of the seats are allocated to UMNO due to MCA departure from national government due to bad performance.

The Malacca Malay Glory (Kegemilangan Melayu Melaka) has emerged again this century after the Portuguese, Dutch, Aceh and British era in Malaya. The imbalance of representative in term of race will be a great challenge for Najib to initiate “national reconciliation” and continue on his political transformation agenda; beyond racial politics in the coalition. It will be a difficult task to move the government with less support especially by those in urban areas and most importantly bringing the Chinese into national agenda. Perhaps my race-based statements are void in terms of democratic nation value but this is the reality of Malaysia’s race-base politic which UMNO-BN is holding on. The great race above all races for better Malaysian government. How UMNO going to resolve scattered pieces of support and arrange the millions pieces of uncertainties into a good piece of jigsaw puzzle?

It is the best time for UMNO to implement “Racial Transformation” program since they have the power to rule for next 5 years without the MCA SUPP, Gerakan and lesser MIC in the parliament. Transformation; which mean of unconditional acceptance and understanding with great sensitivity. BN-UMNO must accept that Malaysia is a multi-racial and multi-culture country with variety of behaviors and demands of its citizen either they are residing urban or rural areas. Malay must prove to Malaysian that they are capable of everything including sacrificing their bad impression on DAP as communist Chinese party led by sole socialist ideologist. Will UMNO be the same party as it was in the 50’s, 60’s and early millennium? The survival of UMNO is no more under race supremacy and demography but the support of whole nation either the Malay, Chinese, India and Borneo natives. They have to prove that UMNO will be a good, clean, just and transparent government. By this, UMNO-BN will survive the “isolation” from the “democratic” citizen of all races.

The continuation of Malay glory should be based on total reformation from the root-ground of the party such as eradicate corruption, favoritism and cronism. If The Malay opportunists join UMNO-BN for business and personal gains, they should sacrifice their business profit (doubtful profit) and build the trust of the opposition parties to give them a slim mandate to rule again. If UMNO-BN could survive this, they will be able to win the heart of the Malaysian and preserve their glory that was established since Malacca history

Sesat di Bumi Sendiri (The Lost Aborigine is His Own Country Home).

Article In Bahasa Malaysia Only.  

Dalam kekayaan dan kemakmuran negara yang telah kita kecapi hampir genap 50 tahun, kita sering lupa akan penderitaan dan kesengsaraan masyarakat peribumi Sarawak terutamanya Bidayuh. Kita telah terlibat dalam agenda politik dan ekonomi Malaysia semenjak era 1969 iaitu era Segus anak Ginjai (SUPP-Bengoh), Nelson Kudai Ngareng (SNAP-Tarat) dan Micheal Ben (Tebekang-SNAP).

Bidayuh telah lama berkecimpung dalam politik dan semenjak pilihanraya 1969, mereka telah terlibat secara langsung dalam pembenihan demokrasi di Sarawak. Ada pewakilan dari setiap parti politik dan masyarakat turut beserta dalam proses membuang undi. Pada pilihanraya 10 May 1969, SUPP menyertai Sarawak Alliance:- Wikipedia. Pada masa itulah politik Bidayuh mula berkembang pesat dalam SUPP dan parti politik yang lain.

Namum begitu, setelah terjadinya pemecatan (vote of no confident) Stephen Kalong Ningkan (CM Pertama Sarawak) pada tahun 1966 beliau mula menubuhkan Parti SNAP. Permulaan ini membawa kepada the birth of Dayaksim (Joseph Tawie- The Broken Shield). Stephen Kalong Ningkan merupakan tokoh politik Iban yang sangat lantang dan beliau merupakan orang yang melolak pembentukan persekuatan Malaysia. Keenganan beliau itu menjadi halangan kepada Tunku Abdul Rahman untuk membawa Sarawak ke dalam pembentukan Malaysia. Hasil daripada "kedegilan" beliau, satu komplot vote of no confidence dilancarkan dan beliau dipecat daripada jawatan ketua menteri pada 7 September 1966. Beliau membela diri dan kes "pemecatan beliau" ditangguhkan kerana darurat telah diumumkan keatas Sarawak.

Sejarah telah membuktikan kelantangan anak peribumi Sarawak sentiasa tidak disenangi sama ada dari dalam negeri Sarawak mahupun di Tanah Semenanjung. Dayakism itu merupakan satu ancaman kepada pembentukan Tamadun Melayu dalam gugusan kepulauan Melayu yang amat luas. Hasil daripada perjuangan Tamadun agung ini, masyarakat dayak terus menerus ditekan dan dijinakkan melalui siri komplot seperti The Ming Court Affair dan juga Pindaan Perlembaggan Persekutuan.

Berbalik kepada pengelibatan Masyarakat Bidayuh dalam arena politik, sungguhpun pada mulanya mereka merupakan etnik ke-2 terbesar selepas Iban, mereka kurang lantang dalam politik. Mereka lebih gemar untuk mengikut nada dan alunan politik semasa. Sebab itu saya selalu mengatakan bahawa sekiranya ada 1 bidayuh, makan hanya akan ada satu parti politik, dan sekiranya ada 100 bidayuh, maka akan ada 100 parti politik dalam kalangan mereka. Mereka sangat senang dipengaruhi oleh sesiapa saja yang boleh menghulur upah dan habuan atas nama demokrasi pelbagai kaum. Antara sebab PBDS terbentuk adalah kerana masyarakat Iban tidak setuju dengan James Wong mengenai isu parti multi-racial dan beliar menyelar Dayak sebagai racist. Hasilnya, masyarakat Iban meninggalkan SNAP dan membentuk PBDS pada tahun 1983. Namun Bidayuh masih kekal dalam SNAP dan SUPP dan segelintir yang sehaluan dengan Moggie dan Tajem menyertai PBDS.

PBDS menang banyak kerusi pada Pilihanraya 1983 dan menjadikan SNAP sebagai seteru politik. PBDS menyertai BN sehingga is dibubarkan pada 2004. Pada masa itu, Bidayuh juga sudah berpecah kepada SUPP, PBB, PRS dan SPDP. Adapun parti STAR dibawah naungan Patau Rubis, agenda Bidayuh terus terkubur dalam arena "divide and rule" oleh Barisan Nasional. Ternyata taktik ini amat berkesan dalam menjinakkan darah perkauman yang kuat dikalangan Dayak apatah lagi dengan adanya undang-undang darurat (ISA) yang pasti membenan hasrat Dayak untuk berjuang sama seperti UMNO, MCA dan MIC yang memperjuangkan kebajikan kaum.

Bidayuh harus belajar dari segenap detik sejarah supaya mereka tidak lagi dijadikan keldai (mogul) oleh mereka yang sentiasa mengambil kesempatan keatas kebaikan dan humbleness mereka. Mereka telah rugi dari setiap langkah yang mereka ambil dalam memperjuangkan nasib masyarakat mereka. Dalam SUPP, agenda pembangunan telah terkubur dan Cina mengambil sokongan mereka untuk mendapat habuan dalam segala hasil ekonomi. SPDP mengambil suara Bidayuh untuk projek PKFZ dan banyak lagi. PBB memggunakan suara majoriti Bidayuh (Banyak Bidayuh dalam PBB), untuk terus membolot harta negeri dan hasil bumi yang banyak. Dalam skandal terang-terangan ini, masyarakat Bidayuh langsung tidak membantah apatah lagi menegur melalui suara agung (pilihanraya). Perbuatan ini tidak dapat ditegur kerana takut akan kedudukan ahli politik dan pemimpin Bidayuh tergugat dan Bidayuh akan terus terpinggir.

Apakah SUPP masih relevan di Bengoh atas dasar kerusi tradisi (Segus Anak Ginyai)? Apakah kita Bidayuh tidak dapat mengubah tradisi dari kerusi tradisi kepada kerusi harapan baru? Mungkin ini sangat complicated/rumit untuk masyarakat Bidayuh memikirkan kerana mereka sangat memerlukan pembangunan infrastruktur. 50 tahun penantian pembangunan seperti Pusat Pengumpulan Sampah sarap, Penjara dan pusat peranginan. Apakah pembangunan ini yang Bidayuh inginkan? Bagaimana dengan pembangunan pendidikan, kesihatan dan ekonomi Bidayuh? Marilah kita renung-renungkan demi kebaikan bersama.

Kita sudah lama sesat dan terpinggir kerana ignorance/kejahilan kita dan sikap pentingkan diri sendiri di kalangan pemimpin. Mungkin factor kemiskinan telah menjadikan Bidayuh itu terbahagi kepada dua golongan; elit dan miskin. Yang elit itu merasakan mereka telah Berjaya keluar dari kepompong kemiskinan dan membiarkan yang lain terus terkapai-kapai dalam arus kemodenan dan persaingan ekonomi yang mencabar. Yang muda terus berhijrah untuk mencari rezeki dan tinggalah yang tua miskin mendiami desa menunggu hari mendatang.

Apakah kita akan mulai sedari akan tuntutan global untuk membentuk masyarakat berjaya dan bertamadun yakni berevolusi sejajar arus masa? Ataupun mungkin kita akan terus menanti dan menanti sehinggakan kita ketinggalan dan pada masa itulah kita mula menyalahkan alam semesta? Bidayuh sangat unik dari segi budaya dan cara hidup mereka dan alangkah baiknya sekiranya mereka ini juga unik dari segi pemikiran dan pandangan mereka untuk membangun masyarakat mereka supaya duduk sama rendah dan berdiri sama tinggi dengan kaum-kaum lain dalam pembentukan Negara bangsa yang unggul dan berjaya.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Indonesia Gold Rush and ASEAN Haze Havoc.

Brunei 22nd ASEAN Submit 

Singapore and Malaysia are the victims of the continuous haze havoc from Sumatra's burning forest. In 1997, Malaysia declared state of emergency in Sarawak and most of the states in Peninsular were affected badly; Selangor was also being declared under state of emergency. Mahathir's quick respond was "send firemen to help the Indonesia". In 2006, haze returned back to Malaysia and Singapore although ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution was initiated in 2002.

This week's haze has choked the Singaporeans, Malaysian and Indonesia and going to be worsen in few days to come if there is no rain. Marina Sand Bay casino towers are hidden in the white thick haze and a few schools in Johore state are closed due to stern warning by the government on the worst Air Pollution Index reading.

Indonesia rebuked Singapore for being "childish" in commenting on Indonesia's burning forest disaster. Prime Minister Lee Hsen Loong in his media conference yesterday said that the Singaporean government will help the Indonesian government to investigate the if there are Singaporean companies involved in plantation industry "disaster" in Indonesia.

Indonesia is the world biggest oil palm producer after Malaysia. They still have vast unexplored forest in Kalimantan and Sumatra that seduces investors from other countries to venture in plantation. There are foreign companies who keen and interested to invest in Indonesia due to the country's attractive policies on foreign investment, trade, labour and out-sourcing. Cheap labour, attractive taxation policies, FDI and other's economic opportunities have put Indonesia as one of the fast growing country in South East Asia with 5% increase in GNI.

Nevertheless, there are certain economic negligence's happened in Indonesia and one of them is environmental precaution. Investors came, put-in some money, explore lands and burn it for plantation. In few years to come they reap the harvest and getting rich. The environment issue was made as secondary priority to the foreign company for there might be no strict law to protect the country from such man made nature hazards. In Papua, forests are logged leaving the aborigine's tribe to be displaced in nowhere. One of the logging companies is from Sibu, Sarawak. Rivers are badly polluted, animals habitats have been destroyed. No rehabilitation has been initiated for the environmental damage done.

Should this disasters are caused by Indonesian government excitement on foreign direct investment that put Indonesia at 5% GNI? Or could it be a gold rush in Indonesia after they have struggle the worst economic crisis? People saw opportunity to reap from Indonesia's ignorance in tightening their law on environmental issue. Indonesia should keep their eyes on plantation disasters more closer so that ASEAN cannot blindly abuse their forest for a gold rush. ASEAN must review perhaps imposed ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary since it was delay for a long periods.

ASEAN has to be creative in developing their lands to protect their environment from repeated disasters that caused by the economic demands and gold rushers. Perhaps, ASEAN have to hold their China's aggressiveness in claiming it's territories in South China sea and solve their very mistake that has been made in Indonesia for the name of economic growth

Sunday, April 14, 2013

If Mambong Youth Could Think.

A Youth's Hidden Voice 
1. Unlocking Janji Setiap Generasi

Generation Y could change the election this year with many of them are registered voters. It is now that the current government has put youths in the election agenda with many one-off payments have been given out. Smartphone rebate, Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia, 1 Malaysia Book Voucher and so much more. The initiatives have been carried out to champion the heart and mind of the Gen-Y as they were neglected in Penang, Kelantan and Kedah. In Selangor the Gen-Y are survived by development and job opportunities. The great migration of youths from Kelantan to Kuala Lumpur and Selangor is not a prove that PAS has failed to develop Kelantan, but the failure of Federal Government to increase the oil royalty to Kelantan.
Nevertheless, the failure has been diverted to a humble political party (PAS) as a incapable and weak party for the Malay Gen-Y. There were gathering of migrated Kelantanese to persuade them to reject PAS and embrace UMNO who could develop Kelantan and it youths. The one-off payment to the Gen-Y nationwide is not an answer to gain support for current government but a desperate move to persuade the neglected youths, who are not involving in Barisan Nassional youth’s movement such as UMNO Putera and other youth wings in BN component parties. These “neglected” youth are working hard to compete in the most challenging job market with high demand in private sectors and quota system in public service.

Although there are many programs provided by the Ministry of Youth and Sport, we are yet to get the best talent of youth in Malaysia, as they are not keen in government agenda as there is always political agenda to corrupt the youth.
And the golden question is; are me the Mambong youth affected or benefited from all those programs and agendas?

2. The Poor, Desperate and Determined.

I always say that the Mambong youths are poor, desperate and determined, yet helpless. I’ve been to many villagers and have many friends over there namely they are Tibia Bi’Annah, Bisitang, Penyawa, Biperoh, Bisapug, Braang and Biatah. I have yet to see our best and successful entrepreneurs from Mambong after years under the rule of Barisan Nasional. Maybe, there is but they are unseen. What I know the most is there are entrepreneurs; class F contractors survive under YB patronage and small project from counsels, district offices and direct tender from government.

I believe that there are many talented Mambong youths who need helps and guidance to develop their talents and commercialize them.  We have lawyers, engineers, doctors, business study graduates, farmers, mechanics and many more.  Those groups of people need sustainable programs and help to improve their living and at the same time compete among them to be the best in their field of talent. Yes, being an employee is the best choice to avoid business hazards and risk but we need to improve our living standard and eradicate the poverty line among the Mambong constitution.

Aung San Su Kyi has seen years of desperation of youths during Junta government. She knew that youth will take over the country’s rule but, without knowledge, skill and talent the country future will never change under the next rulers and care-takers. That is why during her visit to UN assembly, she begged for foreign investors to develop youth talent under vocational programs skill development and technology transfer program to Burma. She hoped that foreign companies who are interested to invest in Burma will not only reap the wealth and go away but to help the Burmese youth to develop their skill and knowledge in certain field of technologies.

We are less fortunate in Mambong because our Gen-X are mostly farmers, laborers, civil servants and employees. We are not expose to entrepreneurship because we have no Bidayuh businessman/business women who could guide us on their business expertise. What made the Chinese successful in their business is their unity and determination to develop the next generation of business person to sustain their legacy through family apprenticeship, business chambers and associations. Yes, there are disputes, conflict in their business and sometime it claims their live. But that is business risk that they have to take to success in life.
Although there are entrepreneurship programs under the government agencies such as MARA, SEDC, PUNB and so much more, we are could not make it happens to be a successful entrepreneurs due to lack of skills and the most needed, 10% start-up capital. Can we have that from Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia?

3. Great Migration.   

The reasons why our youths migrated to Johore, Kulala Lumpur and oversea are because of job opportunities, wages and family survival. SCORE  has promises thousands of job opportunities but it seems to be too good to be true as we seen one after another factory are closing down in Sarawak. Our graduated youth chooses to stay in Peninsular because there are better opportunities and job offer compare to Sarawak. Some of them are mangers in multinational companies with good pay. Although we have many richest state-own companies, the high positions are given to a beneficial holders kin and not to the most suitable and capable person. It happens in SALCRA, SAINS and CMS.

The unfair treat in job opportunities could be the reason to stay in peninsular and settle down for better living. This great migration is denied by our politician and this phenomenon has put Sarawak as sluggish state in economic development after Sabah and Perlis. Patronage job market produces incompetent work force and professional to boost Sarawak’s economy. And what we get is a fat lazy rich manager in an office who punch card at 8.00 am and 5.00 pm while the rest of the workers are toiling hard for less pay.

4.    The Homeless.

The price is house in Sarawak in the most expensive after Labuan F.T. In Labuan the price of house is expensive because of land scarcity. In Sarawak, the price of house is expensive because there are no price regulations made by either state government or federal. The reason will always be on the increase price of building material and labor. A small terrace house now is about RM 200,000.00 per unit and the average income of the youths is about RM 2000.00 per month with 5-6 years of working experience. Can they afford a house? Yes. A low cost or PPRT which are built far away from their working place such as Semariang, Muara Tebas, Lundu, Serian and Siburan.

The great increase of house price is not due to material factors but the corrupt law and regulation in controlling house price. The monopoly of building material buy our politician’s companies give no choice to developer to sell an affordable price of house as they have to make profit from every single house they built. Therefore, we cannot blame on the price of land and the developers’ cost themselves but all aspect of house constructions themselves such as steel, concrete, timber and land price.
The increasing price of house and sluggish increment of wage leave no room for the youth to own a house but leaving them homeless and desperate to survive with high living cost. 

The Winners and Losers.

The youths are the losers in every government policy to develop a prosperous nation. Politic of cronyism and patronage have put Sarawak into great brain-drains and unproductive youths as the next leader and care-takers. If youth could not think and change, we will have a copycat of corrupted and incapable generation as what we have now. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

A Divine Cause

People say that politic should never mingle with religion because religion may corrupted by politic. These two entity could not match well as they are solely contradicted in their practices. 

For me, politic and religion should mixed equally so that both entities can work well for better community. There must be equalily mixtures of understanding, belief and morale value in both politic and religion. It cannot be too much politic and too less religion or vice versa. When there is too much religion, economic development might be retarded by religious restrictions and customs such as development of amusement park for tourism. It applies to a scenario when there is too much politic and too less religion, as a government will easily corrupted by low morale leaders and politicians.

Imam Ruhollah Khomeni cause has proven to the Islamic nations that religion is needed to neutralize corruption in Iran during Islamic Revolution in January 1978 - February 1979. As an political exile in Turkey and sometime in Iraq, he never stop thinking of the importance of good religion value to save Iran from corrupted Shah Mohammad Reza.

Divine cause also should applied to the world second largest religion; Christianity. Some churches forbid politic in their organizations but they cannot clean-up "corruption and scandals" that tarnished the church's reputation. That is why Pope Benedict resigned because he cannot save the Catholic from all those "issue".

In every religious institutions there must be corruptions since the institutions are governed by ordinary people. We lost zakat contribution few years and we could not do anything about it because we are forbid to talk about the issue. And it happened to our chapels where tight and contribution are not audited. Churches never perform financial and asset audit because they are non-taxable organization. In many cases, chapel are not maintained and the congregation get lost in faith and hope.

All those politics and religion issue have only one; what is the divine cause in politic as a religious person?

I believe that a cause against corrupted politic is the answer. Every religion teaches us to be a good person and to serve our God and country with a clean hands and heart. We must reject politic of hatred and corruption. If we put religion value first in every causes, we will win our political battles because we are well prepared spiritually.

Defining who God is for and putting judgement on other people as sinners is a mere immature politic. As a politician, we should encourage good behavior, equality, good governance and most importantly; love of peace and freedom. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

This is not about mere Politic.

For the Bidayuh Young Generation. 

I always get some “sour” advice from my fellow friends and family to tone down my political understandings and perception especially in Padawan area. They always ask me “who are you comparing to the politician?”. Sometime, there is discouragement and a pause in my thought. Yes. I am just a small boy in a pool of developing surrounding with many scholars and philanthropist either they are professionals, politicians, entrepreneurs and successful people of Bidayuh.

The truth is that the marginalized never feel how it likes to be marginalized because they like to be I such a comfort zone, deny change and ignore hardship. The only group that feel they are marginalized are those who working very hard and have a great curiosity for themselves and the people; those with good talents, aware of changes and have a dream for better future. I don’t blame others as we are living according our best ability and capability. If not, there is a desire to be the best but out of “ability”.
Few years back, when I decided to come back home for good I wrote to a proposal to our representative office to ask for his opinion on a youth program for the youth in my area (Simuti, Sibuang and Sibakar). The idea was to have a sustainable program for us to have some financial aid to plant commercial crops like pepper, cocoa and rubber. I also proposed for fish and chicken farming program to reduce malnutrition problem in those villages. After one month, I made a phone call and ask for the out-coming. Sadly, there the feedback was dato is busy and we will let u know about your proposal. It has been 5 years now that I did not get any phone call or at least a SMS on that.

It’s my “stupidity” to ask from him as those programs must be applied though JKKK (Jawatan Kuasa Kampung) or club and organization; with working committees and team. That is not the issue as what I need is a guideline or comment on how to make it happened rather than no reply at all. I deserve the “knowledge” and not the grant or fund.

This experience makes me to be more relevance and realistic in doing thing. Somehow, what are needed are guidance, advice and comments from all those good people especially in the representative office.
The youth are easily attracted to amusement and games such as football and live band. That is a whole world favorite often thinking about making or having a “productive” life. Such as involving in entrepreneurship, planting high produce crops and have a good job. Maybe we are living in such a moderate environment (village) where there is low economic pressure and demand.
For me, this is not a live is all about. I have a dream to be the best Bidayuh with all I have. And to be so, I need support from my surrounding to understand my dream and desire. If I want to be a successful entrepreneur, I need a financial support and training. In order to market my product, I need marketing networks and coverage.

As a normal bumiputera with no business capital, it is very hard to start something especially business. Yes, there is government agencies to help bumiputera entrepreneurs but with very strict requirement. Such as; 10% startup capital from own saving, must have working staff and business premise. How to do that with no start-up capital? This is a hindrance for a Bidayuh embark into entrepreneurship as business angel and investor among them doesn’t exist.

So my hope for the representatives or next representatives is; that the young generation is exposed to entrepreneurship. Get their talent developed and help them to the right path to success. Not by patronizing and one-off financial support but a sustainable plans for the youth. We don’t need season program because we have to survive our daily life and the most important thing is; we want to escape from our poverty. We have many jobless graduate and desperate talented youth and yet ignored and couldn’t survive the tremendous economic changes and challenges. So here we are; scare to compete and transform our dream and talent into reality and success.

To the youths; we are the next generation to sustain the community. We will decide either to remain poor or better living. This isn’t mere stupid politic but a hope and change that we need for better future; to be the best among the rest. Vote for a change and not inactive and incapable candidate as future is never theirs’. I am tired to be poor and oppressed and so I think that you are have the same in mind. Unless you are rich, easy-life and ignorance; then this is not relevant to you.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Videos and The "Weapons".

Nobody Want to Be Poor!!

Global Withness (GW) on shady Land deal by the Sarawak chief minister's family and alliances is a "hot" video with thousands of comments and view in Youtube. After series of videos and "proves and evidences".

I believe that this is the right time to persuade the people of Sarawak to swing their attention on a bigger picture of Sarawak politics. Nevertheless, we have seen many videos, Al-Jazeera 101 on Sarawak Native Land issue, independent news and so forth. Could it be the best for a change in Sarawak?

"Baseless Allegation" seem to be the best reply to all those scandals; even the highest authority could not has a glimpse on it. I've seen " Native Land grab and Bulldozed long house" video on last state election by Parti Keadilan Rakyat. The hottest topic in Sarawak will always be "Lands, Corrupts Politicians, gangsterism and marginalization of the Sarawak Natives". They seemed to be the "tool" to end the "corrupt"  government but it does not change anything at all. Few constitutions fell on DAP and one to PKR (Ba' Kelalan). My question is, how far is the video integrity? Are those video are made jut for political purpose? I wish for political doom in Sarawak or at least a flood.

We have been living in such a corrupted state but yet, I see strong support to the corrupted government; especially the natives. We are living as squatters in our very ancestral lands. How could we let the contractor to demolish our longhouses and graveyards?

Have we ever learn to change? Have we ever thing of our position in the political arena? We are scattered away in every fraction of political parties. New SWP (Sarawak Worker's Party); yes. GOLKAR; yes. PPP (Pakistan People's Party); yes. China Communist Party; yes. Whenever there is a political party, they are the Sarawak natives. People will blame me for perplexing the "freedom and right to join/form political party".  No. I am not. In fact, this is who we are; friendly, humble, mild, inoffensive people...(Hilda Morrison:-Sarawak, P.245). That is why we are easily oppressed by the others.

To me, issue arises in a specific season. Perhaps, this is what politic is all about; strategy, game-plan, resources and manipulations. We forget thing when it is not necessary to remember. We lost our home, weep for a while and live a happy live. No "vengeance" and long grieves as there is always instant "cure" for all those. We stop talking when we are tired and leave the "lost" as time consuming.

I am sure that corrupted government will still rule Sarawak although they might be the opposition; if God's willing. The videos are just a strategy; nothing more but a temporary motivation to reject corrupted government. Who am I to change it? I am just one vote to many votes. The strongest weapon is always money politic. We cannot resist money. That is the fact. Money is not a root of evil but a compensation to the native's "lost"; lands, rights, opportunities and voices.

Pakatan Rakyat might win big in Peninsular but not in Sabah and Sarawak. The strategy of the corrupted government intact firmly and there is a tough road ahead to bring change to the Natives. They are poor, divided and naive. There is a social gab between the "elite" and the low-class natives in which the elite seem to ignore the fate and need of the low class. We can see it in every "organizations" when the low-class are excluded from the current development and changes. In a simple meaning; nobody want to teach the "unintelligent" as they might overpass their wealth ad power. Thus, the lower class remains struggling and the elite multiply their wealth through alliances and monopoly.

Perhaps, the video of chief minister misdeed will change the voters 180 degrees on their perception of corrupted governance. We hope that the youth will cast their vote to challenge the hardcore elders who are royal to the current representatives since change seems to be impossible for them. After all, what change is all about if we are not dare to step forward and change ourselves? Change not by the video CD but by the knowledge and wisdom in deciding who should take lead and serve the natives better.

The politicians are the most richest people in Sarawak and they have the weapon to turn a spectacular video into delicious food and additive shows. It is up to us to position our integrity, hope and ambition to be at least respectful native; not because we are rich but a minor change in our political knowledge. Video is just a video as money cannot be resisted. Nobody wants to be poor.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Those Who Knows the Best.

The “heat” of 13th General Election is on as political parties have finalized their candidates list. In some towns, there are talk and gatherings by the political parties. Some “candidates” have gone to villages to give speech and inspiration of their party’s foundation and causes. The Bidayuh’s “organizations” is also making their preparation for a “dinner” functions with their representative as a channel for political campaign. I’ve been to two dinners which were patronized by the Bidayuh politicians. They were fun and interesting as there are many Bidayuh gathered around with delicious kind of food served. Listening to politician speech and promises is such a pampered evening as money allocation are declared and given in cash.
An opposition candidate invited me to his talk in several villages but I cannot make it due to parenting obligation as kids need me a lot during weekend. I politely informed him and wished him good luck to pledge my support to him. I wish I can be there for him although there is no food and drink provided. I like to listen to people’s inspiration and so to the political propaganda as they are quite interesting in the making.

This year will be a crucial election for the Bidayuh in all constituencies as there are few issues that might stern the support of the Bidayuh. Barisan Nasioanal politic of development might be their subject of loyalty with many Bidayuh have benefited from them; such as Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia and infrastructure projects. Nevertheless, there is a challenge for them to win the Bidayuh young generation as they are more “aggressive” in their thinking and behavior toward current political “theater” in Malaysia. They are the generation of change since they are aware of current issue in politic. They read independent news and like to express their opinion in social media, blogs and SMS.

There is a “clash” between the elders and youngsters in Bidayuh political understandings. The elders normally prefer the current government as minor “development” are seen in their villages. They are electricity supply, fresh water supply, community halls and not least; money hand-outs from the current government. For them, changing the ruling parties might be hazardous to the Bidayuh’s future. As a hardcore audience to the mainstream media, they are convinced by what they watched and listened to. The power of media has overcome their fear and curiosity towards the political uncertainties. Most of them read local news paper as they are not familiar to social media and alternatives independent news.

Somehow, the Bidayuh youngsters are IT savvy and hardly influenced by the mainstream media. They are connected with other people in the virtual world where information are shared with no boundary. The independent news is their alternative to “seek” the truth of the mainstream media. Their curiosity toward political uncertainties is answered by their knowledge and thought of the current political events. They are not the ‘easily influenced” group especially by the opposition, but they are aware by the current government’s “flaws” in policies implementation. These Bidayuh youngsters believe in good governance, equality and justice. They are normally live in town area and working as professionals, government servants and entrepreneurs.

Their representative also plays a crucial role to convince the Bidayuh’s vote. There are hate-and-love relationship between the representative and the colony of Bidayuh. Favoritism seems to be the disadvantages if the representatives to win the youngsters vote. In several rural project implementations, they are less Bidayuh contractors involved. Their representative already have their own “team” to get project nevertheless they are qualify or not.  There are some breeches in minor projects implementation but seems to be ignored by their representatives. Those who are connected to the representatives directly will always get their project with some amount of incentives pocketed to the politicians and high positioned officers. This “tradition” has been practiced by the “parties” to strengthen the influences of the politician in some Bidayuh constituencies by “patronization” for support. It is not only a corrupted practices but it affects a quality of services and products by the contractors. To simplify that; let say there is a RM 1 million funds allocated for 7 km Kampung Padawan road. The 7 km road is completed but after 5 month, the road is dented due to thin asphalt. A RM 1million project is not equivalent quality of finished product; the road. Why it is so? In every awarded project, there is some amount has to be paid to the representatives as a favor of their approval. Then the remaining amount is distributed among the main contractors and sub-contractors. In some cases, incentives are given to the district officers for their approval of work progress.    

The government always in delusion to understand the people needs. They always claim that they know and care buy giving incentives and money. But, the fact is that we need a better future especially the Bidayuh who is always caught-in-between by their dilemma. They have to support the Barisan Nasional hoping that their future will be brighter but they have to support the opposition seem their representatives are fail to carry out their duty; to listen to their struggle.
Politic of intimidation is not relevant to the Bidayuh as they are getting wiser in the sense of politic. There is always substation to a lost. No development is anything to lose or to gain as they are aware of current issue of politic. Their perception to the politician has change since they are not awarded by the political stability but their hard work. There is no more master-slave relationship between their representative and the Bidayuh. In fact, the Bidayuh politician must equipped themselves with the best skill to win the people as they are not the slave to the politicians but the power to decide. The People are the one who knows the best for the future and not a single politician.        


Monday, March 18, 2013

The Orang Asli Child Malnutrition Epidemic

Written by: Jennifer Lewis

Life is difficult for your average aboriginal Malaysian. Despite being the original inhabitants of the land, they are now a socio-economically deprived minority group. The effects of this transition have been devastating. Their self-esteem has been sapped as a result, with social problems such as teenage pregnancy increasing and ill health taking hold. One of the groups that has suffered significantly in recent times is the Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia. They have been identified as one of the poorest groups in the nation, which the percentage of their population classed as living in ‘hardcore poverty’ being twice that of the general population. Disturbingly, a report published in Tribes and Tribals suggests that they have particularly poorly nourished children, which could be putting infants’ lives at risk.

The Extent of the Problem

The rate of childhood malnutrition amongst the Orang Asli is considerably higher than that of other rural Malaysian communities. Up to a third of Orang Asli infants are thought to be stunted or underweight. This shocking degree of malnutrition is not only witnessed in less accessible locations; it is also present in communities that are found near to towns. A study cited by Tribes and Tribals indicates that half of Orang Asli children have iron, calcium and energy levels that are less than sixty-six percent of the recommended levels. Why is this the case? Research suggests that it is due to a plurality of different factors.

Lack of Dietary Knowledge

"Tribes and Tribals states that lack of knowledge about nutrition is partly responsible for the levels of childhood malnutrition that exist within the Orang Asli population. This figures, as forty-three percent of Orang Asli men and thirty-five percent of Orang Asli women have received no formal education. Without access to medical textbooks and lessons about following a balanced diet, many of these people will be left oblivious to the need for certain nutrients within their children’s meals. Medical literature cited in Tribes and Tribals states that helminithic infestations are also widespread in Orang Asli infants. In a study of Orang Asli children between the ages of two and five, sixty-two percent were found to be infested with ascariasis, ninety-eight percent had trichuriasis and thirty-seven percent had hookworm infestations. This is likely to have led to malnutrition in many cases and again, one of the causes is a lack of education. The Orang Asli need to be taught how to effectively ward off these parasites in order to protect the health of their children."

The Effects of Resettlement

Another contributing factor is resettlement. A study of three hundred and five Temiar families who were resettled concluded that their nutritional status and dietary habits had deteriorated significantly as a result of the move. A report published by the International Institute for Asian Studies has criticized attempts by the Malaysian government to resettle and modernize the Orang Asli. Attempting to alter their traditional way of life despite the fact that they were the original inhabitants of the region must surely have had a negative effect upon their collective state of mind and consequently impaired their ability to adhere to a healthy diet.


The main reason for the Orang Asli’s high levels of childhood malnutrition is obvious though: it is a result of the poverty that blights their communities. The US State Department Human Rights Report indicates that fifty percent of Orang Asli exist below the poverty line. With such a large percentage of the population lacking enough money to get by, it is little wonder their children are failing to get the correct levels of nourishment. Until the disparity between the living conditions of the Orang Asli and the rest of the Malaysian population are addressed, their young will continue to suffer from shocking levels of malnutrition. It is a symptom of their treatment at the hands of the authorities ever since other people came to their land and has been made worse by the fact that they are now socio-economically deprived. The lack of education that exists is also partly due to poverty. Alleviate these social problems and perhaps the next generation of Orang Asli children will be healthy and grow up in an environment where they will not face as many obstacles that they need to overcome in order to progress.