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Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Frog of Raining Season

Hopping Frogs Having Fun.

1. It is raining so badly and few places are hit by flood. The sky always dark with thick heavy clouds. Rain coming down continuously and the number of relief center arising.

2. For some believers, rain bring good luck and good sign of fortune. It wash the soil so that plants are watered well. Water fertile the soil by diluted chemical and matter for plants. Some other belief considered rain as bad fortune and calamity. People might get drifted by strong current, land slides, lost of properties and flood.

3. Raining season also a good time for frogs to breed and play. Frogs like wet compounds. When the ground get dry and hot, frogs often go out for food and play as the environment is not suitable for them. Predators might crawling around and catch them.

4. These few days, frogs do not have to call for rain. They are blessed by plenty of rain and they are free to go out to breed. Their ponds are flooded and they are moving around for insects. They don't have to hop with full energy ad the water-lily are plenty and its leaves are closed by. Where there is a safe landing and delicious insects, the frogs will get there. Hopefully, the frogs will not catch and devour dangerous and poisonous insects.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Taib Mahmud

Simpanan Tetap BN, Rasuah dan Diktator
Article in Bahasa Malaysia only. 

1. Seluruh negeri Sarawak mengakui bahawa Taib Mahmud merupakan ketua menteri yang paling lama berkhidmat dalam kerajaan negeri. Dia menjadi ketua menteri sejak 1981 hingga hari ini. Tempohnya selama 30 tahun. Dia merupakan diktator yang lebih lama di asia tenggara seperti Ferdinand Marcos dan Sukerno.

2. Sejak kebelakangan ini, dia banyak disabitkan dengan rasuah, konspirasi politik dan salah guna kuasa yang telah membawa kekayaan berbilion ringgit kepada ahli keluarganya. Media asing juga melaporkan harta Taib Mahmud dan Malaysia juga mengetahui akan kekayaan Taib Mahmud. Dalam sejarah politik Malaysia, Taib Mahmud merupakan ahli politik yang terkaya.

3. Dari manakah datangnya sumber kekayaan Taib yang mencecah berbilion ringgit? Menurut beliau, dia tidak pernah terlibat dalam korupsi dan salah guna kuasa. Dia telah lama berkecimpung dalam perniagaan dan keusahawanan. Anak-anaknya di didik dengan baik dan di ajar untuk berniaga. Dia juga mengakui dia tidak mahu terlibat dalam "conflict of interest".

4. Dia juga mempunyai pengaruh politik yang sangat kuat sehinggakan dia mampu mentadbir kerajaan negeri tanpa mendapat tentangan dari penduduk Sarawak. Dia juga mampu memanipulasi sesiapa sahaja untuk mengikuti "perjuangan" politik beliau. Orang Iban yang merupakan penduduk majoriti mampu dipecah-pecahkan kepada sub-parti dan dia terus mejadi kuat apabila Dayak telah berpecah belah.

5. Taib Mahmud dikatakan bijak dan pandai. Sesiapa sahaja akan menjadi bijak dan pandai sekiranya orang-orang disekelilingnya bodoh. Itu adalah dominasi yang biasa berlaku di mana-mana. Saiz otak manusia adalah sama cuma daya pemikiran yang membezakan tahap dan perlakuan seseorang. Dia tidak pernah menyatukan kaum Dayak kerana agenda penyatuan itu merupakan mushibah kepada karier politik beliau. Orang Dayak pernah bersatu sekali sahaja tapi ia tak kekal lama kerana Dayak tidak percaya akan kesatuan dan kerjasama. Sebab itu Dayak dapat dilihat dalam semua komponen politik di Malaysia. Kalau besok parti baru muncul, orang Dayak pasti akan jadi ahli.Perpecahan itu merupakan keseronokan bagi orang Dayak. Bila mereka berpecah, mereka tidak akan mendapat apa-apa sebab tidak ada kata sepakat.

6. Ramai orang Sarawak menyalahkan Taib Mahmud kerana memanipulasi hasil bumi Sarawak untuk menjadi kaya raya. Banyak blog-blog yang ditulis mengutuk perbuatan Taib dan ahli keluarga. Parti Pembagkang menggunakan kekayaan Taib sebagai isu untuk memenangi kerusi pilihanraya. Najib juga tertekan akan keadaan ini dan mengatakan Taib akan berundur. Namun Taib masih berkuasa malah mengangkat sumpah hingga Yang Dipertua Negeri tak sempat nak tidur. Ada juga orang kata Taib simpan banyak bomoh. Sebab itu tiada orang berani lawan dia. Semua bomoh dia hebat-hebat dan ada yang mempunyai ilmu ghaib.

7. Orang yang lemah sentiasa ditindas dan diperdaya. Bila mereka malas berubah, maka mereka akan terus tertindas dan terpedaya. Bila mereka tertindas dan  terpedaya mereka mula menyalahkan orang lain. Begitu juga rakyat Sarawak yang majoritinya Dayak. Mereka mula menyalahkan Taib kerana mencuri tanah, merosakkan pokok-pokok buah dan merobohkan rumah panjang. Ada yang mengadu nasib dan mengemis di tepi tong sampah gara-gara hidup dalam kesempitan di tanah yang kaya-raya.

8. Apakah kerajaan harus bertindak dan mengarahkan siasatan dijalankan keatas kekayaan Taib. Tidak mungkin kerana rasuah itu berlaku dalam politik Barisan Nasional. Najib tidak akan mengarahkan SPRM menyiasat Taib sebab dia adalah aset terpenting bagi BN untuk terus berkuasa di Putrajaya. Jadi, rasuah itu adalah normal bagi pemimpin politik dan tidak perlu ditangani. Apakah kesan yang dihadapi sekiranya Taib disiasat dan didapati salah kerana rasuah? Barisan Nasional akan hilang kerusinya yang kebanyakkannya disumbang oleh Sarawak dan Sabah. Malaysia juga akan dianggap negara perasuah kerana menayang perbuatan rasuah yang terlalu besar.

9. Kerajaan Barisan Nasional tidak mampu bertindak terhadap Taib dan membiarkan dia untuk terus membina empayar perniagaannya di dalam dan luar negeri. Semakin banyak tuduhan yang dikenakan keatas korupsi yang dilakukan oleh Taib, semakin ketat mulut pemimpin politik kerajaan pusat. Adakah Taib mengupah mereka untuk tutup mulut? Sudah tentu tidak kerena mereka di kerajaan pusat juga melakukan perkara yang sama. Cuma cara mereka lebih bersembunyi dan tidak didedahkan seperti kalung zamrud dan tiara yang dipakai di leher. Kesimpulannya, hantu tidak boleh menegur sesama hantu sebab mereka itu sememangnya golongan hantu dan bukannya setengah hantu setengah malaikat.

10. Semua rakyat Sarawak tidak sabar menanti Taib berundur. Kenapa pula nak suruh dia beundur tetapi terus mengundi Barisan Nasional. Ia seumpama meniup lintah yang menghisap darah. Parti pembangkang akan mengaitkan kekayaan Taib dan kemunduran Sarawak. Orang yang mendengarnya akan bersemangat dan ingin menjatuhkan Taib dalam pilihanraya. Namun semangat itu hilang sebaik sahaja beredar dari pondok ceramah dan semangat "jangan lawan perintah" datang balik. Keesokannya undi BN. Bila nak jatuhkan diktator kalau terus menyokong diktator.

11. Orang Sarawak harus melihat jauh dan berfikir di luar kotak. Mereka harus mempunyai keinginan untuk memperbaiki taraf hidup dan mendapat pembelaan yang seadilnya. Mereka harus menilai semula akta Tanah Adat dan mempertimbagkan semula kerajaan sedia ada. Taib bukannya kebal tetapi disebabkan kebodohan dan keangkuhan Dayak menyebabkan mereka terus ditekan oleh diktator dan kerajaan yang korup.

Monday, December 19, 2011

When Many Thing Become One Thing

1 Malaysia

1. 1 Malaysia concept was inspired by Prime Minister to unite Malaysian as nation. Soon after the idea was aired everything were converted into 1 Malaysia such as Restaurant 1 Malaysia, Clinic 1 Malaysia, Nasi Lemak 1 Malaysia and others. Everything change in one day and the whole nation talk about it.

2. 1 Malaysia is to promote Unity in Diversity.With the idea, Malaysian are thought to accept each others with respect and tolerance. Brotherhood spirit is promoted in many forms. Any commercial advertisement must involve the major 3 ethnic in Malaysia. The Indian, Malay and Chinese. Cartoons are designed and animated based on the 1 Malaysia concept. Upin and Ipin are Malay twin and their friends are Chinese and Indians. The same thing with movie. The three ethnic must be displayed as the ideal ideology of brotherhood.

3. Prime Minister launched New Economic Model under 1 Malaysia program on 30th March 2010.  It objective is to double the per capita income. According to him, under 1 Malaysia concept, Malaysia will a high income country in 2020. There will be more mega projects to be announced to boost the national economy.

4. KPI (Key Performance Indicator) suppose to be a tool to improve the public service but it does not serve the purpose as all performance are done by documentation. Idris Jala only rely on the report document where the truth is hidden. Auditor General Report 2010 has revealed government mismanagement and manipulation of taxpayer fund but yet the "affected" department came with "solid" explanation on how the fund was spent. Now, the true report is compromised and those who involved in the fraud get highest KPI score.

5. New Economic Model is a tough ideology if the government stick to quota system and ethnic-based privileged. The tender system is not transparent and mega projects will only benefit the UMNO politicians. Yes, we are aware of Ali Baba system and it happening in Malaysia. The Malaysian permitted the system of corruption as "it's normal". New economic model is introduced and implemented by allowing more corruption in the government tender acquisition.  

6. Indeed, it is a challenge for Malaysian to achieve their goal to have a racial harmony nation. In fact, racial harmony should not be a challenge in a multi-racial nation if every citizen believe in universal value. Good deeds, respect, tolerance and acceptance. While the people are told to respect other religion, the other group of extremist harping the religion sensitivities in public. The Muslims accused the Christian for using Allah and burned Churches, raided Christian fellowship and confiscated holy scriptures. The Indians are marked as Pariah and the Chinese are called prostitutes. And yet, the youngsters are thought to learn the untruths. The mainstream media are free to voice out their anger towards the other race and the government is ignoring the issue. When other media express their concern, on the next day their office get raid and force to close business. So, where is the tolerance and respect that 1 Malaysia trumpeting? There is racial harmony in Malaysia and the government do not have to address the issue but to monitor the extremist who always spark their hatred.

7. We cannot unite many thing to become a one subject. Malaysian have to admit that as a multi-racial nation they must play their role and obligation as a citizen under the rule of law. Freedom has to be observed to sustain stability. Money only cannot guarantee economic growth because every race must contribute to the country. If the government keep on harnessing only one race, than the other race will be sidelined. And when they are sidelined, they might leave country and look for better opportunity with the skill and ability they had. Malaysia will never enjoy 5% economic growth if the government cannot fight corruption to the grassroots. Politic of hatred will only damage the racial harmony if the extremist continue to spark sensitive issues and 1 Malaysia will be no other than just a failed ideology.

Gurau Diktator

North Korea after Kim Jong-il

Whats next?

1. Kim Jong-il dies at his 69 years old of a heart attack. He was known as great leader of North Korea and "loved" by his people. He is called "Dear leader" among the North Korean.

2. During his era, Kim has brought a great depression to his country where million of his people died from starvation and cold.

3. As an army dictator, North Korean are build by his tyranny. Defense and military programs is the first priority and the people ruled by "persuasive propaganda". The government of Military has no intention to bring better education and economic progress to the country but massive nuclear weapon.

4. What is shown on TV about North Korea is very different from the reality of North Korean life. Many have exiled to China, South Korea and Japan for better life and future. The outside world are forbidden to portray the real North Korea, but many of its citizen who exiled tell a horrible story of the government.

5. Is there any good future for North Korea  under Kim Jong-un? Unless North Korean open its door to the world there will be different North Korea. Deng Xiaoping is a good example of communist leaders who believe in capitalism economy that made China a great nation. Will Kim Jr. believe in that to save North Koreans from starvation and death? We will have to see and hear whats next.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Negara Republik

 Impian seorang Budak Kampung.

Posted in Bahasa Malaysia Only. 

1. Saya selalu mengimpikan Sarawak merdeka dari Persekutuan Malaysia dan menjadi Sebuah negara merdeka dan berdaulat. Namun begitu, ini cuma mimpi ngeri sahaja kerana bukannya senang untuk merdeka daripada sesebuah negara yang baru dibentuk. Selatan Sudan telah berjuang berdekad-dekad untuk menuntut kemerdekaan dari persekutuan dan banyak darah telah diitumpahkan. Begitu jua dengan Timur Leste dimana ramai "pemberontak" telah terkorban di tangan Tentera Nasional Indonesia. Banyak lagi peristiwa yang dasyat berlaku dalam proses kemerdekaan sesebuah negara.

2. Sarawak merupakan negeri terbesar dalam Malaysia dan mempunyai hasil bumi yang sangat banyak. Balak, Minyak dan Gas asli, Arang Batu dan banyak lagi. Namun, Sarawak tetap mundur dan masih diketegorikan sebagai negeri termiskin. Mengapakah ini boleh berlaku dan dimanakah hasil bumi Sarawak?

3. Kalau dahulu British memperkenalkan sistem ekonomi terbuka dan sistem pelajaran standard Cambridge ke Sarawak. Sarawak membangun dengan pesat walaupun British membawa pulang hasil bumi ke Britian ekoran revolusi Industri (Industrial Revolution). Namun Ratu tidak menabaikan kebajikan rakyat Sarawak. Bandar Kuching terus dimajukan dan menjadi pusat pentadbiran. Miri turut dibangunkan untuk mengali minyak.

4. Selepas Sarawak menyertai Malaysia pada tahun 1963, Sarawak telah jatuh kedalam jajahan baru, iaitu Jajahan Malaya. Apa yang Sarawak nikmati hari ini adalah hasil daripada "kecuaian" pemimpin kita masa pra-suruhanjaya Cobbold. Kita akui bahawa kesultanan Brunei tidak dapat memajukan Sarawak memandangkan Kesultanan Brunei adalah kerajaan yang lemah. Sebab itu Sarawak diserahkan kepada James Brooke dan seterusnya di ambil alih oleh Kerajaan British selepas dinasti Brooke

5. Tindakan terburu-buru dalam pempersetujui Suruhanjaya Cobbold  adalah titik tolak memyebabkan Sarawak jatuh ke lembah kehancuran. Selepas 1963, kerajaan persekutuan mengubah semua sistem secara mendadak. Sistem Pelajaran standard Cambridge ditukar kepada sistem pendidikan kebangsaan dan semua sekolah mengguna bahasa penghantar, Bahasa Malaysia. Hasil bumi disalurkan ke Tanah Melayu dan Sarawak mendapat sedikit pulangan daripada sumbangan tersebut. Pemimpin Dayak digulingkan untuk memartabatkan penguasaan etnik Melayu dalam politik negara.

6. Apakah kesalahan Sarawak sekiranya mereka tidak menyertai persekutun Malaysia? Tiada. Sarawak mungkin akan jatuh ke tangan Indonesia. Itulah sebab Sukaerno mengistiharkan konfrantasi untuk menjadikan Sarawak sebahagian daripada Indonesia raya. Namun, Brunei tidak di apakan-apakan oleh keturunan Suluk walaupun mereka memilih untuk tidak menyertai persekutuan.

7. Menyertai Tanah Melayu bukan sahaja satu kesilapan malah kehancuran kepada Sarawak. Saya amat mencemburui Hong Kong yang begitu maju semasa pemerintahan British. Jajahan British adalah lebih baik daripada Jajahan Malaya. Namum begitu berkerajaan sendiri itu adalah lebih baik.

8. Hari ini Sarawak terpaksa akur dengan syarat-syarat yang dikenakan oleh Malaya dan terus dipimpin oleh diktator. Walaupun Malaya memperkenalkan sistem raja berpelembagaan, Sarawak tidak bernaung di bawah raja kerana Sarawak bukan tanah orang melayu. Mahu tidak mahu mereka terpaksa akur dengan sistem yang tidak relevan. Sistem demokrasi dan kerajaan yang adil juga tidak dilihat di Sarawak. Diktator terus di kekalkan demi menguatkan kuasa Jajahan Malaya. Sungguhpun rakyat sarawak tidak menyukai diktator, mereka terpaksa akur kerana mereka telah lama hidup miskin dan bergantungan pada ekonomi ala Kesultanan Siam. Kena hantar ufti kalau tak nak negeri di serang askar. 

9. Sebenarnya Sarawak ini sangat elok. Rakyatnya aman damai, Masjid boleh didirikan di tepi Gereja. Hari Jumaat Masjid riuh dan Gereja sunyi. Hari ahad, Gereja pula riuh dan masjid sunyi. Orang Sarawak tidak membakar rumah ibadat agama lain. Gerai Mee babi boleh berada berdekatan gerai mee jawa. Inilah yang dinamakan freedom of choice di Sarawak. Cina tak paksa melayu makan babi dan melayu tak larang cina jual babi. Masing-masing berusaha untuk memperbaiki taraf hidup.Persefahaman yang kukuh itu terhasil daripada pererimaan terbuka semua kaum untuk memahami kehendak pelbagai etnik.

10. Apakah mungkin Sarawak akan menjadi negara republik? Tiada raja, berkerajaan sendiri dan bebas dari cengkaman jajahan Malaya? Perlukah pertumpahan darah sekira kita menuntut merdeka? Bersediakah Sarawak untuk berkerajaan sendiri dan menghentikan pemerintahan diktator? 48 tahun dalam jajahan Malaya dan 20 tahun dalam pemerintahan diktator cukup menyusahkan rakyat Sarawak yang sepatutnya menikmati hidup yang berkelimpahan dari hasil buminya tanpa diekspoitasi oleh orang lain.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

PPSMI - Die Before its Death

First Class Vision, Second Class Implementation, Third World Result-Abolish. 

1. PPSMI was introduced by Dr. Mahathir in 2003 to enable schools students to learn science and Mathematic in English Language. His vision was to increase the understanding of the Malaysian about science and mathematics that evolve.

2. Since its implementation there were many complaints and griefs made by a group of people and demanded the PPSMI to be abolished immediately. Some "literates" said that PPSMI is insane.

3. What is the problem of PPSMI? Least students achieve good result in Science and Mathematics subject because they do not understand English language. Some teachers found it hard to teach mathematics and science in English language.

4. I don't see PPSMI as a access baggage to teachers as they are well educated person. 5 years in Teachers College or University should be enough for them to master English language.  I learn English since primary one until my final year in university. This is a great result of KBSR-KBSM. In university, all the reference books about computer are written in English and I have to by a 1kg mass of Oxford Dictionary in order for me to understand the content of the reference book. We speaks Bahasa Malaysia in the lecture room and write thesis and assignment in English. It is impossible to write an algorithm and function in Bahasa Malaysia as they are computer language.

5. PPSMI is not a burden or threat to National Language. We learn history and literature in Bahasa Malaysia as the contents are constant. History, geography, Bahasa Malaysia and English are constant knowledge but Science and Mathematics are variable. As long as there invention, the knowledge of science changes. In order to master science we have to understand English language. All new technology information are written in English as it is an international language. In order to understand how a new jet engine operates, first we have to understand the operation manual.

6. Abolish PPSMI is something like cutting down a young coconut tree to get its wines instead of waiting for it to bear fruits for a refreshing juice and creamy milks. It takes time but worth to wait. The Malay loose before they fight for their generation. We have to learn and master English Language if the want to market our technology. To be an invention nation we have to understand science and technology and to understand that, we have to master English. The Chinese failed to produce a powerful explosive because they only used fire cracker to frightening ghost. The Arab never go to the moon because they only believe in movement of stars and moon in the sky. They never challenge their curiosity and invent something great and fly to the space. When English come tho China and Arab they translate the manuscripts so that they can understand the Chinese and Arab discovery. Then, they re-invent the simple discovery into technology. Now the English market their technology and in order to used their technology, we have to master their language.

7. The Malay always fear to face the transition especially when it comes to learning. They always refer to the other developed country like Japan and German where they don't use English language but  yet they produse a great technology. Well, Japan and Aryan civilization is older than Malaysia. We are only 54 years old. Malay never sail to the west countries to learn other people's discovery but the west explores the east since the Renaissance era. What is the purpose to conserve the national value which is already intact with our daily life and deny the precious knowledge that can improve our nation.

8. Vision 2020 will only a "vision" for Malaysia if the government fear to face the changing world. To be a high income country is to have a productive citizen. To have a productive citizen is nurture them to be smart competence.  Malaysia cannot be have a smart nation if the government refuse to adopt English Language in Science and Mathematics. An author of a great selling book cannot invent a great smart phone because the two subjects (book and phone) require different approach to create them.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sarawak Under the Dark Ages

State of Denial

1. Sarawak has been ruled by a dictator regime for 30 years and the state has a tremendous struggle to live on the lavish and abundant land. The people lives under poverty line while the natural resources is declining. The dictator rules with his iron fist and untouchable. Perhaps he is greater than Saddam Hussien, Ghadaffi and Mugabe.

2. He manipulates all the state resources and acquires all the state land and convert them into his personal wealth. He is the most wealthy politician in the world with billion dollar worth of assets oversea. His family live a wealthy life while the people of Sarawak have to beg for meal and scavenging at the dump-sites.

3. The Sarawakians are grieving but their griefs are denied by their representatives. Thousands of Sarawakian working oversea for better pay. In Sarawak, the minimum wages is about RM500.00 while the price of goods and necessity is rising daily. The dictators accused the Sarawakian for being stupid and that made him the richest man on earth.

4. What make Taib the great dictator? Not by the amount of money he has nor how much strong is his mafia. It's because the ignorance of the people of Sarawak. They are comforted by their long suffering and struggle. The Sarawakians made him strong and powerful by continuing to vote for corrupted government.

5. Taib is a smart dictator indeed. To him,  developing a state is to bring trouble to himself. If the state government improve the people basic needs, (education and health care) , the people might get smart and ousted him before his 30 years reign of power. He maintain the old-folks in his state legislative to maintain loyalty. Those who could not follow his instruction will be sacked. He divided the aborigines into fractions so that he can rule over the minority. That is why the Dayak are everywhere in every political party in Malaysia.

6. Does it hard to be as smart as Taib? As Socrates has said; There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.". Knowledge is greater than other things. When a person has a knowledge he can do things right. But if a person is an ignorance, he will be bullied and ruled for lives. Sarawak has a lot of smart people. The smart Dayak stay and the smart non-dayak migrated. The smart Dayak join politic and live under the dictatorship and left the people to survive by themselves.

7. Who will end the dictatorship and brings enlightenment? God permit miracle if the people pray hard but to change a dictator is beyond prayer and sacrifice. A valiant dies for one course; freedom of the people and liberty. When there is a corrupted kingdoms there will be a valiant.

8.Sarawak has a fairy tale of a valiant. He is Rentap. Somehow, he is not a tyrant but a pirate. He fought for headhunter and not for liberty from colonials.He wanted to maintain the culture of killing and beheading which is contradicted to the Christian missionary value of life. Indeed there is no recorded valiant  in the history of Sarawak. Rosli Dobbie is just a needle inside the haystack.

9. There will be a tyrant if the Sarawakian shoose to stop the dictator. There will be no other than every single Sarawakian. The dictator is strong because the is the asset of the federal government and untouchable because he has money. Soon the time will come that an army of tyrant will rise and bring the dictator to the ground.  

UMNO dan Hak Keistimewaan Melayu

 Article Posted in Bahasa Malaysia Only.

Apa yang berlaku dalam politik melayu hari ini sudah amat berbeza dari asas perjuangan dan paksi yang telah digariskan oleh pemimpin melayu dulu-dulu. Kalau dahulu Perikatan Menang besar hasil daripada kerjasama MIC,MCA dan UMNO, hari ini UMNO, MCA dan MIC masing masing berpura-pura baik dalan Barisan Nasional. Dominan itu menjadi satu misi untuk UMNO mentadbir dan "toleransi" menjadi secondary subject dalam Barisan Nasional.

Semua rakyat mengakui bahawa hak keistimewaan itu adalah muktamad dan tiada mana-mana kaum harus mempersoalkan perlembagaan negara. Namun, kebelakangan ini kita melihat orang Melayu "berebut-rebut" hak ini sesama sendiri dan mereka mengetepikan moral dan integriti mereka. Malah dalam Mesyuarat Agung UMNO, pak menteri kita tidak habis-habis mencarut dan mengapi-apikan orang melayu akan kedudukan mereka dalam perlembagaan negara. Padahal hak-hak meraka adalah "immunity". Kenapa harus mencarut dan mempertahankan hak yang telah termaktub. Bukan kah tolol namanya? Ada pula yang melatah untuk mempertahankan isu rasuah yang dilakukannya dan mengugut untuk saman mereka yang pecah tembelang. Bak kata orang "bagai menegak benang yang basah". Inilah yang telah menjadikan UMNO sebagai pentas tayangan Badut Melayu.

UMNO harus balik ke sekolah dan belajar semula sejarah pembentukan bangsa. Mereka harus menghampar sejadah dan meminta keampunan dari tuhan yang esa. UMNO dah banyak berubah. Kalau dahulu perjuangan UNMO dipikul oleh pejuang patiotisme dan golongan sederhana (moderate) dan ahli falsafah. Semua orang Melayu menyokong UMNO kerana wadah perjuangan mereka tidak menyimpang dari landasan sebenar. Tapi hari ini ahli UMNO adalah terdiri daripada ahli perniagaan dan proxy politik serta kroni-kroni menteri-menteri. Perjuangan UMNO hari ini adalah untuk menjadi seorang yang kaya dan bukan sebagai pejuang bangsa dan patriotis. Mungkin inilah yang dikatakan "Generasi Baru dan Transformasi" dalam UMNO. Transformasi apa itu?

Hari ini UMNO dilihat sebagai pelampau (extremist) dan samseng melayu. Rasuah tidak ditangani dan isu-isu sensitif dikumandangkan untuk menaikan kemarahan antara kaum-kaum dan menakut-nakutkan orang lain. Lihat sahaja isu NFC yang cuba dipertahankan oleh Shahrizat. Kalau dahulu Mahathir "pecat" 3 timbalan perdana menteri kenapa pula sekarang Najib buat-buat tak tahu? Itlah lah yang menyebabkan indeks integriti kita asyik menurun. Dah lah begitu, pembangkang pula dicap sebagai penyangak dan dihina seperti pelacur di Pakistan.

Pada saya, UMNO harus memperhalusi perjuangan mereka. Balik ke pangkal jalan dan menerima semua kaum lain sebagai "close partnership" seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh arwah pemimpin dulu-dulu. Kalau arwah Tun Abdil Rahman boleh mengadakan rudingan Baling dengan ketua "penjahat" kenapa pula UMNO tak boleh berbuat demikian? Dimanakah terletaknya nilai "gadis melayu" di kalangan masyarakat Melayu dalam UMNO. Pemuda pantang dicabar. Puteri pantang di tegur dan Majlis tertinggi jangan dikacau.

Sebenarnya orang Melayu ini peramah, jujur dan baik-baik belaka. Bos saya di semenanjung sangat baik dan dia sentiasa menyokong kami kalau ada masalah di pejabat cawangan. Namun nilai-nilai ini tidak lagi dilihat dalam pimpinan UNMO hari ini. Dimanakah silapnya UMNO? Silap Melayu kah? Silap Raja kah? Silap kaum bukan melayu kah? Bukankah UMNO yang memperjuangan hak keistimewaan Melayu dan bukannya PERKASA ?

Monday, December 12, 2011

SUPP and Its Relevance to Bidayuh

A Year End Disaster.

1. Few weeks back we have heard of the sacked SPDP5. I don't know if Mawan felt bad by the situation but the "SPDP5" have returning to the same problem. Barisan Nasional. Tikie and Nansian are the Bidayuh duo who sacked themselves and declared loyal to Barisan Nasional. My big question is " until what extend of loyalty". What is the price tag? Once again, the Bidayuh has wasted their vote to the duo and now they are looking for better offer. Not for the Bidayuh, but for themselves. What will happen to SPDP? Mawan will figure out. 

2. Last week on SUPP's TDC (Triennial Delegates’ Conference), Wong clan have boycott the event due to "internal affair" that could not be solved by the party president. Peter Chin was well backup by the president (now ex-president) of the party and the post of the president is not determine by vote by "early sign of support". The vote was made to fulfill the party policies but the president post is determined earlier.

3. What is happening between Wong clan and Chin tribes has shown to Najib that the oldest party in Sarawak has lost it relevance to the people. SUPP is a history and need to be "re-defined". Last SUPP's TDC is a bad picture of Unity and 1Malaysia that the Barisan Nasional is trumpeted.

4. SUPP was a great party and supported by multi-cultural members. The Dayak and Chinese have made SUPP the greatest political party in Sarawak. Now, SUPP is a Chinese dominant party and Bidayuh is the least group in the party. Now the Bidayuh have only Richard Riot, Ranum and Jerip Susil circled by giant Chinese. Will their voice being heard? Never before as they are only minority in the party.

5. The Chinese have proven to Barisan Nasional that SUPP is no more speaking for them and they vote the President out during last state election. Almost half of SUPP seats have lost to opposition. Mostly in Chinese area. Did the Chinese hate the Chinese? I don't think so as Chinese are thought to be loyal to their group since Fung Sai Yuk era. No one should left the Shoalin  school unless he or she is expelled by the Shoalin master. That is Chinese tradition.Why DAP get the Chinese support resoundingly? DAP has common goal; to have a Malaysian country. That it. But SUPP is a running dog for Barisan Nasional.

6.Richard Riot was made as the party deputy President. Well, that is a good opportunity for him and not for Bidayuh as he represented for.Serian is a mix Bidayuh and Chinese but it seems to me that Richard Riot is for the Chinese. When the Chinese shop lots was destroyed by blaze last few months, he straight away deliver money to the victim but when it come to Bidayuh villages have problem with basic facilities in Serian, he will only send his "Setiausaha sulit". We hope that as a No.2 guy in SUPP, he will be more awaken and realistic to be the Bidayuh representation. After all, what is the meaning to be a great person if you cannot bring  a great changes to the people.