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Monday, July 21, 2008

Teng Bukap Clinic

The Greatest Lost to The Aborigines
I was riding to Kampung Pelaman Dunuk Yesterday and made a stop at Teng Bukap Baazar for a while. Manage to snap few pictures of the "burned" clinic. Here are the pictures. Will write more soon. A lot of works to be done today. Have a wonderful day.


Jackson Mangan said...

Meaning that right now the staff have to operate under the makeshift tent(s), lah? Or are they making full use of their working hours loafing around at the “infamous traffic light” at nearby bazaar?!


Anonymous said...

Rather than lost money on gambling of RM20,000.00.Some rich idiot should donates that part of his money for the Bidayuhs of Padawan for the new clinic instead!Well,better burns doen the new karaoke than the clinic!