Don’t fear merger, says MawanBy Ting Tieng Hee, The Borneo Post Press,
Thursday (10th July 2008)
Proposal to merge SPDP and PRS should not alarm any party as it has good intentions: President
KUCHING: The proposed merger of Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP) and Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) should not alarm any party, said Dato Sri William Mawan Ikom.
“Nobody need to fear about the proposed merger of SPDP and PRS as we are in for good purposes and intentions,” the SPDP president told reporters at his office at Bangunan Baitulmakmur in Petra Jaya yesterday.
He said SPDP, as a multiracial party, was committed to be always loyal, friendly and a team worker as far as unity in the country and unity in the government was concerned.
Mawan said the merger was a serious effort and something that was broad-based and a long-term planning to consolidate not only BN component parties in the state but also the Dayak community.
“We have given a very thorough thought into this merger as a party and that’s why we put a very solid and deep commitment into it long time ago by forming our committee which is headed by our deputy president and a lot of senior members,” he added.
Pak Lah's new ultimate petThough I am not a very brilliant political analysis, there is one thing that reminded me on the unity of the aborigines. In his book, “The Broken Shield” the writer told that the aborigines have faced several failures under one political party. First, SNAP was told to be the answer to the aborigine’s unity but was not. Then Pesaka made a very substantiate political manifesto to be the aborigines’ help but Rahman, Taib and Jugah made it as the business opportunity to accumulate wealth. The aborigines were united firmly under one party since many years. The sub-party is PBB and another sub-party is PBDS. These subs were merged to form one political entity for the aborigines.
After PBDS faced a very shame crisis between “sifu” and “apprentice”, the aborigines have to accept the fact that thay cannot unite themselves under one “dream” party. SPDP and PRS were form to prove that the aborigines have no gut to appose their fellow aborigines. As I always say, “if there is one aborigine, there is one political party and if there are many aborigines, there are many political party”. Almost the same to Indians and Chinese where there are many version of “separatist” among them. That is why they are marginalized because they cannot accept unity but have to separate to gain wealth and titles.
The aborigines should not merge to be another “brotherhood of underdog” to Pak Lah. It is not a threat to PBB or SUPP in general but another threat to the aborigines themselves. I do not see any goodness from this merging proposal unless Mawan and Masing can prove that they are good two Iban leaders. We have seen how Moggie was made a living sacrifice at the Ming Court Hotel and someone told that “he” is innocent from such accusation of money politic. That was a very good back stabbing work of the Iban to be a paramount leader among the tribes of aborigines.
Yes, I know that we cannot join PBB because of so many issues. Taib could not accept the aborigines because Melanau and Malay are dominating the party. There should be no such thing so called “kacau daun” in PBB. If Barisan Nasional care for the aborigines, Pak Lah should give us an advice to be under one political party and not another big “running dog”. Of course, we cannot be in one political party because we will be left behind in term of bargaining power and distribution of wealth. But, have Bengoh receive something from SUPP instead of Kampung Tun Abdul Razak? I went around some of the villages under Riot constituency and there are many wooden houses and dusty road too.
Someone is telling me that Manyin is a very great leader and not a traitor. Well, tell me if he can bring all the Bidayuh under PBB or elase we can called him as father of running dog. Yes, I do not know much about politic as what some of you may think of. I have my eyes to see what is going on with the aborigines and have ears to listen to their grief. The ting is that, I am not a liar to the aborigines but not to merge them to be another running dog!!
1 comment:
The merger is just a dream and if indeed SPDP and PRS merge as a single entity it would be good, because small political parties should not be fighting on the same grounds and on the sme issues. What is your stand on SPDP and PRS merger? I know you will label and condemn them as the running dog of the Chief Minister. Being your recalcitrant self you will brand all those with whatever brand you want. From the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, the Chief Minister to Datuk Michael Manyin, you have all branded them. You are a good progagandist. Normally branding is used as a tool by a propagandist to down grade leaders and these people are at the mercy of a propagandist who used all short of name to potray the subject. Young man, you are very good at that and I salute you for being a very good propagandist.
Uniting the Bidayuh and for that matter the Dayak in one political entity is not an easy task. You know of it if you have read the whole of the Broken Shield written by Joseph Tawie. Some of these leaders are a recalcitrant like you. They always claimed that they alone could lead this faction and that faction. Look at the demise of some of the political leaders. Their demise is because some of the leaders failed to compromise, and as a result, the other faction registrar a new party. No laws prohibits someone from registring a new party. But as a senior member of PRS said, what is the "point of registring for a new party if it lead us to the slaughtering house" Patau did and look what happened to STAR, in the last election he contested using SNAP. The question is why did he not have faith in his own party?
You analysis about PBDS is all flawed. Among the Dayak parties, they all want to become a hero. They refuse to compromise because of their own attitute . agi idup agi ngelaban' and the recalcitrancy of the leaders. They think that they are great. They are just like you, thinking that they are great and wanting to be a hero most of the time, but they do not know the limitations, the resources to command and if anyone who wants to bring them to the mainstream of politics they are the one who are against it. PDBS wanted to be the Chief Minister at all cost in 1991, but none of their leaders want to carry the flagship except Masing. Leo Moggie did not dare to resign from his ministerial post at the Federal Level, because he is already in his confort zone. In the end the result of the 1991 election shows PBDS lost in some of the seats that it managed to capture in 1987 at the height of the Ming Court crisis. Why did this happened? The people want political stability and unity. The rural people were tired of constant politicking. The people were deprived of a lot of things. I was not able to pursue my LLB at Monash University because the State Government was screening every application and were very selective in giving scholarship in spite the fact that I have been offered a place at the university at that time. However, I am lucky and managed to secure a place at UM and JPA gave me scholarship to study economics at University Malaya.
Well, you have challenged Manyin to bring all the Bidayuh YB in one party. By doing this, I assume you don't really know the real political scenario in Sarawak. History had shown that the Bidayuh are politically divided in the different parties. The simple reason is all of us wants to become a hero, including yourself. But, if you feel that you are great, try just to unite the people in your kampung and let them work together. If you are sucessful in doing that, you may wish to try your luck in the 2011 election. After all this is a free country and you are free to stand in any election.
I see you are famous in branding our leaders and you use different symbols to brand them. I know you will brand me, but at the end of the day, in life we have to understand what is real and what is unreal. What you say in you blog reflects your reality, a personality who is deeply confused.
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