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Friday, February 27, 2009

Pencerobohan Tanah NCR (Tanah Hak Adat Bumiputera) makin berleluasa.

By depeorrae at

Pencerobohan Tanah Hak milik Adat Bumiputera makin berleluasa. Kes terbaru, berlaku di Serian melibatkan (Rumah Panjang) Kampung Lebur . Kerakusan Syarikat Pembalak iaitu Sulux Timber Sdn Bhd langsung tidak berperikemanusiaan dan tidak mengendahkan larangan undang-undang mahupun penduduk di kawasan ini.

Menurut Lipang (Nama Samaran), kegiatan pembalakan tersebut telahpun ditegah dan dibawa ke muka pengadilan tetapi sehingga kini syarikat bertanggungjawap terus membalak ( di Tanah Kura dan Tanah Engkedak) tanpa berkesudahan. Sambung beliau lagi, Kes ini telah difailkan di mahkamah pada tahun 2006 dan kes perbicaraan telah pun tamat. Sehingga kini, penduduk masih menanti keputusan daripada pihak mahkamah. Tetapi, dalam proses ini juga Sulux Timber Sdn Bhd terus membalak tanpa henti.Lantas, penduduk terus membuat laporan polis tentang masalah ini. Pihak Polis pula, meminta peguam( Yang mewakili penduduk) untuk mengeluarkan surat/ notis amaran kepada syarikat pembalak terbabit.

Apabila surat dikeluarkan oleh peguam dan diserahkan kepada Pihak Polis,( Pejabat Polis Daerah Serian) lain pula ceritanya. Sehingga kini belum ada apa-apa tindakan. Sejauh manakah kesahihan perundangan negara untuk membela pemilik Tanah Hak Milik Adat Bumiputera? Syarikat pembalak pula bagaikan tidak menghormati Perundangan mahkamah. Manakan tidaknya, sementara penduduk masih menunggu keputusan mahkamah mereka pula terus menjahanamkan tanah penduduk.( Syarikat pembalak sepatutnya berhenti seketika [ sekurang-kurangnya] untuk menunggu keputusan mahkamah.Misalnya, orang dek tengah Sembahyang Justify Fullpatutkah kita masuk menyampuk dan bercakap-cakap [menganggu]?)

Pihak Polis pula bagaikan bersekongkol dengan Syarikat Pembalak... Kerajaan yang sepatutnya membela rakyat...?

Apakah di negara ini sudah tidak mempunyai undang-undang? Tanah Hak Adat Bumiputera terus diceroboh tanpa sebarang notis. Menurut Pawang, ( nama Samaran) pencerobohan ini langsung tidak diketahui oleh penduduk Rumah Panjang ini. Berikut adalah sebahagian daripada temubual saya dengan Pawang and the geng;

Saya: Suba, bisi ke enda sida meri pampasan tanah atau balak ba menoa kitai din?
Pawang: Nadai. Semak jako, pampasan nadai, notis pan nadai... sidak iya tama kawasan tu langsung kami enda nemu. Tang tiba-tiba aja sidak datai ngambik ke balak ba tanah tu.
Saya : Sapa Tuai Rumah kitai diak?
Pawang: Iya enda enggau kami ditu. Iya enda sokong pengawa kami. Iya semina enggau pendirian diri empu sidak sebilik.
Saya: O... baka nyak.
Lipang: Kami udah ngereport ngagai polis pasal pembalak tu, tang sidak polis nyuruh lawyer mansut ke surat amaran ngagai sidak pembalak tu.
Saya: Udah nyak?
Lipang: Surat ke digaga lawyer tu udah dianjung ngagai polis, tang udah nyak sampai saritu nadai nama-nama tindakan sidak polis.
Sukun: Kami bisi gak ninga rita...enti balak tu udah ambis diambik sidak, sawit deka ditanam ba kawasan tu. Enti udah tama sawit, tusah kami lagi ba menoa kami. Belaya enggau pangan diri kami lagi berebut ke tanah tu.
Saya: Bisi bala sidak NGO datai ngaga survei tanah kawasan tu?
Lipang: Bisi suba, maia nyak sebedau kami fail ke kes tu ba mahkamah.
Saya: O... (mengakhiri perbualan)

Kelangsungan mengambil Tanah Hak Milik Adat Bumiputera adalah daripada Tuai Rumah ataupun Ketua Kampung. Kebiasaannya pihak terbabit akan mendesak TR atau TK untuk membenarkan mereka berbuat demikian. Mungkin sebab terlalu takut ( Gaji tidak diberi) TR atau TK akan terus memberi persetujuan tanpa perbincangan dengan anak buah. Kesannya, anak buah akan terkapai-kapai tertindas atas kepentingan peribadi.

Isu pencerobohan NCR pula bagaikan sudah lapuk. Berlaku setiap saat di mana-mana dan cara pencerobohan adalah sama sahaja. Pampasan (kalau ada) tidak seberapa,indah khabar dari rupa... yang tertindas akan terus terhimpit. Kalau dulu mereka berkebun sendiri, tanam padi, lada, koko dan sebagainya...kini mereka dipaksa berkuli di Ladang Sawit, ditambah lagi dengan rumah yang terpaksa dibayar secara ansuran (kalau mampu). Kalau tak mampu, mana lagi mereka hendak berteduh? Di bawah jambatan? sama sahaja dengan PATI. perumpamaan"Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri Sendiri, baik lagi di negeri sendiri" sudah tidak lagi relevan, kita harus mengarahkan DBP supaya menggugurkan perumpamaan tersebut daripada senarai perumpamaan bahasa melayu. Kita sebagai penduduk asal (Asli) boleh diusir bila-bila masa sahaja, kerana kita hidup menumpang di tanah Kerajaan.

Pihak yang bertanggungjawap dipersilakan tampil memberi jawapan. Usah biarkan penduduk dibelenggu...misteri!
Dayak tidak perlu menunggu Berita Harian dan Utusan Melayu/Malaysia ...ramai yang mengatakan akhbar ini pro BN(anda boleh semak sendiri dan banding dengan Malaysia kini). Masyarakat kita sendiri perlu bersuara...akhbar sendiri perlu ada.

Editor: NGO prihatin, Kuching


Universal Bidayuh said...

I think, we, Dayak, should take an example of "Singh" family. Karpal Singh & Karam Singh Walia, both of them are very brave to speak out the reality or the truth.

Anonymous said...

Universal Bidayuh: Its good to be like them. But when we do, most folks will brand us a outlaws. Even bloggers prefer to use synonyms. We should.

Anonymous said...

KUCHING, Feb 26 (Bernama) — Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) has a fighting chance of winning the Batang Ai state seat in the coming by-election following the death of its assemblyman Datuk Dublin Unting Ingkot, state PKR deputy chief Nicholas Bawin Anggat said today.

Bawin, who is widely tipped to be PKR candidate for the seat, said that this time around the battle for the Iban-majority seat would be intense as both parties had the financial and logistic support, unlike in the previous election.

“I will leave it to the party to decide who is the PKR candidate for the Batang Ai seat and it will be an honour to me if the party nominated me as the candidate,”he told Bernama here today.


DONATION ? Dayakbaru is setting up “PKR Batang Ai by-election Fund” to solicit from members of the public (RM5-10) each to finance the Batang Ai by-election. On the one hand Bawin told the world & Bernama that the party has the financial support to fight BN ( see statement above).Support from poor Iban community of Batang Ai?..must be kidding. Where does the fund goes to?
I do not think its right and proper to raise fund or seek donation from the already poor Dayaks community esp. so if Dayakbaru does not have the necessary permit from the relevant authority. Let those who has the means & money talk about politic, the reality.Perhaps PKR may consider giving way to a local party SNAP who has the standby fund to nominate its candidate. If Dayakbaru and Bawin are really serious and sincere to help the community they should set up “Dayak Poverty Eradication Fund” aim to alleviate Dayak suffering instead of burdening them.
I fear that Dayakbaru and Bawin are being used as a tool by PKR leader in Malaya to raise fund to further aggreviate the burden of the Dayak community in Batang Ai.
Bear in mind also that its not the political culture in the state for politician to solicit for election fund from members of the public unlike in Malaya.
Soliciting for hard earn money among the poor Iban community is a comedy and a mockery thereby insulting thier intelligence.
I earnestly hope both Dayakbaru and Bawin could come to a term with a reality and stop this illegal fund raising activities.

Universal Bidayuh said...

tunabdulrazak: Malaysia practised unfair democracy. We, Dayak always discrimated by the...

Anonymous said...

Dear Yellow Flame, I understand your worries of the fund rising but rest assure that the intention is good, i.e. to help the Dayak themselves. This fund rising can be use as a measure to gauge the support of the Dqayaks in BI. The more people as in number of people donate the more as in per person are support the PKR. And not the amount in ringgit. You were talking about leaving the politic to those who have means and money, well after so many years leaving it to them has turn us Dayaks into a used lots. We are the majority but remind a minority. WAKE UP and SMELL THE AIR and not the air we were asked and made to breath.

Anonymous said...

Damm it, Just change the administrator. The dayak think too much of losing this and that.. talking bout known devil and unknown devil.. My goodness, thinking too much going to end in Rumah Org Gila..

Change.. Nothing is permanent.. Try new things.. such as a new government..

You only stay stagnant or permanent if you are six feet under .. but for now, just change.. Stop the stupid analysis and bickering.

Just change while you still can. Dont be dead in the inside.. The Dayak is a warrior!


UMB said...

Safe except for the Dayaks from the early days such as Ningkan and Tawi Sili, the present batch of Dayak leaders have gone from shifting cultivators to Multi Millionaires. Off course that is because they excel in school and earned their degree by burning the kerosene lamp.

Being a Millionaire is a different ball game all together. You need opportunities. Was opportunity given to you, your relative, your cousins, your parents.

You may have the brain of an enterpreneur. But do you have capital to raise the funds. How often have the ordinary people been declined access to capital. Reasons are varied and defer from one person to another. In a 3rd World Country, your capital is your goods and chattels and landed property.

With NCR Land being taken away, how many ordinary Dayaks have been deprived of starting a business of their won???

45 years is a long time. The present batch of Dayak Leaders have done their best and their best is just not enough and it is high time another group of leaders whether it is from West Malaysia or Sarawak be given their chance.

We have nothing to lose as we have been exploited for 45 years and do not mind gambling with PKR as an alternative for 5 years.