By depeorrae at
Pencerobohan Tanah Hak milik Adat Bumiputera makin berleluasa. Kes terbaru, berlaku di Serian melibatkan (Rumah Panjang) Kampung Lebur . Kerakusan Syarikat Pembalak iaitu Sulux Timber Sdn Bhd langsung tidak berperikemanusiaan dan tidak mengendahkan larangan undang-undang mahupun penduduk di kawasan ini.
Menurut Lipang (Nama Samaran), kegiatan pembalakan tersebut telahpun ditegah dan dibawa ke muka pengadilan tetapi sehingga kini syarikat bertanggungjawap terus membalak ( di Tanah Kura dan Tanah Engkedak) tanpa berkesudahan. Sambung beliau lagi, Kes ini telah difailkan di mahkamah pada tahun 2006 dan kes perbicaraan telah pun tamat. Sehingga kini, penduduk masih menanti keputusan daripada pihak mahkamah. Tetapi, dalam proses ini juga Sulux Timber Sdn Bhd terus membalak tanpa henti.Lantas, penduduk terus membuat laporan polis tentang masalah ini. Pihak Polis pula, meminta peguam( Yang mewakili penduduk) untuk mengeluarkan surat/ notis amaran kepada syarikat pembalak terbabit.
Apabila surat dikeluarkan oleh peguam dan diserahkan kepada Pihak Polis,( Pejabat Polis Daerah Serian) lain pula ceritanya. Sehingga kini belum ada apa-apa tindakan. Sejauh manakah kesahihan perundangan negara untuk membela pemilik Tanah Hak Milik Adat Bumiputera? Syarikat pembalak pula bagaikan tidak menghormati Perundangan mahkamah. Manakan tidaknya, sementara penduduk masih menunggu keputusan mahkamah mereka pula terus menjahanamkan tanah penduduk.( Syarikat pembalak sepatutnya berhenti seketika [ sekurang-kurangnya] untuk menunggu keputusan mahkamah.Misalnya, orang dek tengah Sembahyang Justify Fullpatutkah kita masuk menyampuk dan bercakap-cakap [menganggu]?)
Pihak Polis pula bagaikan bersekongkol dengan Syarikat Pembalak... Kerajaan yang sepatutnya membela rakyat...?
Apakah di negara ini sudah tidak mempunyai undang-undang? Tanah Hak Adat Bumiputera terus diceroboh tanpa sebarang notis. Menurut Pawang, ( nama Samaran) pencerobohan ini langsung tidak diketahui oleh penduduk Rumah Panjang ini. Berikut adalah sebahagian daripada temubual saya dengan Pawang and the geng;
Saya: Suba, bisi ke enda sida meri pampasan tanah atau balak ba menoa kitai din?
Pawang: Nadai. Semak jako, pampasan nadai, notis pan nadai... sidak iya tama kawasan tu langsung kami enda nemu. Tang tiba-tiba aja sidak datai ngambik ke balak ba tanah tu.
Saya : Sapa Tuai Rumah kitai diak?
Pawang: Iya enda enggau kami ditu. Iya enda sokong pengawa kami. Iya semina enggau pendirian diri empu sidak sebilik.
Saya: O... baka nyak.
Lipang: Kami udah ngereport ngagai polis pasal pembalak tu, tang sidak polis nyuruh lawyer mansut ke surat amaran ngagai sidak pembalak tu.
Saya: Udah nyak?
Lipang: Surat ke digaga lawyer tu udah dianjung ngagai polis, tang udah nyak sampai saritu nadai nama-nama tindakan sidak polis.
Sukun: Kami bisi gak ninga rita...enti balak tu udah ambis diambik sidak, sawit deka ditanam ba kawasan tu. Enti udah tama sawit, tusah kami lagi ba menoa kami. Belaya enggau pangan diri kami lagi berebut ke tanah tu.
Saya: Bisi bala sidak NGO datai ngaga survei tanah kawasan tu?
Lipang: Bisi suba, maia nyak sebedau kami fail ke kes tu ba mahkamah.
Saya: O... (mengakhiri perbualan)
Kelangsungan mengambil Tanah Hak Milik Adat Bumiputera adalah daripada Tuai Rumah ataupun Ketua Kampung. Kebiasaannya pihak terbabit akan mendesak TR atau TK untuk membenarkan mereka berbuat demikian. Mungkin sebab terlalu takut ( Gaji tidak diberi) TR atau TK akan terus memberi persetujuan tanpa perbincangan dengan anak buah. Kesannya, anak buah akan terkapai-kapai tertindas atas kepentingan peribadi.
Isu pencerobohan NCR pula bagaikan sudah lapuk. Berlaku setiap saat di mana-mana dan cara pencerobohan adalah sama sahaja. Pampasan (kalau ada) tidak seberapa,indah khabar dari rupa... yang tertindas akan terus terhimpit. Kalau dulu mereka berkebun sendiri, tanam padi, lada, koko dan sebagainya...kini mereka dipaksa berkuli di Ladang Sawit, ditambah lagi dengan rumah yang terpaksa dibayar secara ansuran (kalau mampu). Kalau tak mampu, mana lagi mereka hendak berteduh? Di bawah jambatan? sama sahaja dengan PATI. perumpamaan"Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri Sendiri, baik lagi di negeri sendiri" sudah tidak lagi relevan, kita harus mengarahkan DBP supaya menggugurkan perumpamaan tersebut daripada senarai perumpamaan bahasa melayu. Kita sebagai penduduk asal (Asli) boleh diusir bila-bila masa sahaja, kerana kita hidup menumpang di tanah Kerajaan.
Pihak yang bertanggungjawap dipersilakan tampil memberi jawapan. Usah biarkan penduduk dibelenggu...misteri!
Dayak tidak perlu menunggu Berita Harian dan Utusan Melayu/Malaysia ...ramai yang mengatakan akhbar ini pro BN(anda boleh semak sendiri dan banding dengan Malaysia kini). Masyarakat kita sendiri perlu bersuara...akhbar sendiri perlu ada.
Editor: NGO prihatin, Kuching
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
RM 4 Million for DBNA
The good news spread all over the world when Najib handed over RM 4 million to DBNA to build their new hall. The next day, “Bidayuh love BN” “Bidayuh tak pernah berpaling tadah” “BN the Bidayuh’s god” “Bidayuh must not bee fooled by opposition” and so forth. As long as there is money, then the sound will change instantly. That is according to the news paper and how far the Bidayuh love the BN, let us figure it out.
My first assumption regarding on the RM 4 millions is varying. It has been years under the independent country that Bidayuh are sidelined. Not even a cent has been contributed by the Barisan Nasional to improve their living and struggles. In fact, their constituencies are the poorest in the state with high unemployed, ugly schools and worst basic necessities. There must be more to give to the Bidayuh to improve their life and get out from political, economic and social struggles. RM 4 million is just a bait to fish the Bidayuh dignity. Some how, at that time, RM 4 millions is worth it compare to RM 5 or RM 50 during the election time.
The second assumption is the Bidayuh should receive that RM 4 millions. Somehow, they should receive more than the Kuala Terengganu people received. DBNA is grateful with the money given but not the Bidayuh as whole. Why? Because Bidayuh and DBNA are two different entities. One is elite and the other one is aborigines minded. As the money is given, there should be no further complaining as the Bidayuh will be well taken care with the new building and facilities at DBNA. Well done to Micheal Manyin and Ik Pahon. You are the Bidayuh hero. Money politic is always money politic and if DBNA believe in that, they should bargain more as BN always uncontested in their constituencies. In fact, some of the YB’s have served for centuries with BN and cannot even appoint as assistant minister. We should solute Unting for dying for BN and not for the rakyat. I am sorry to say that but what I have seen is that he deserve a peaceful rest after grumbling with Barisan Nasional bad games. By right, he should be federal minister right now. Well, the people see how cruel BN is and hopefully, they will change starting from Unting departure. May God bless his soul and be with the saints.
RM 4 million to me is nothing compare to what we have lost to BN. Bengoh dam, Mambong dump site, SALCRA, Borneo Highland Resort and many more. I think DBNA should follow the Bidayuh heart and soul and not it members. The Bidayuh are well known as a courteous community and that is why they cannot reject Najib visit and as per expected they got their money in cash. DBNA should look further on what will the Bidayuh be in years to come as Manyin, Ridu, Dawos and so forth is going to die as they are growing old. We cannot stick to Manyin idea to ask the Bidayuh to toil to death and never defense their right as an independent citizen and have right to own land and national wealth.
I hope that the Bidayuh will continue to support DBNA so that there will be more money to come. The money is for good and yes it is not right to say that Najib is begging the DBNA support for BN but the papers reported that the Bidayuh always support BN and this time it is the loudest one after the RM 4 millions. Get the money and get out form BN’s hell and that is my advice. Bidayuh never owe money from anyone but DBNA did and therefore, they must be responsible for it. Please donate more money to DBNA so that the association will never asking money form political party or leaders or else they will remain the proxy as long as the association is controlled by BN supporters.
My first assumption regarding on the RM 4 millions is varying. It has been years under the independent country that Bidayuh are sidelined. Not even a cent has been contributed by the Barisan Nasional to improve their living and struggles. In fact, their constituencies are the poorest in the state with high unemployed, ugly schools and worst basic necessities. There must be more to give to the Bidayuh to improve their life and get out from political, economic and social struggles. RM 4 million is just a bait to fish the Bidayuh dignity. Some how, at that time, RM 4 millions is worth it compare to RM 5 or RM 50 during the election time.
The second assumption is the Bidayuh should receive that RM 4 millions. Somehow, they should receive more than the Kuala Terengganu people received. DBNA is grateful with the money given but not the Bidayuh as whole. Why? Because Bidayuh and DBNA are two different entities. One is elite and the other one is aborigines minded. As the money is given, there should be no further complaining as the Bidayuh will be well taken care with the new building and facilities at DBNA. Well done to Micheal Manyin and Ik Pahon. You are the Bidayuh hero. Money politic is always money politic and if DBNA believe in that, they should bargain more as BN always uncontested in their constituencies. In fact, some of the YB’s have served for centuries with BN and cannot even appoint as assistant minister. We should solute Unting for dying for BN and not for the rakyat. I am sorry to say that but what I have seen is that he deserve a peaceful rest after grumbling with Barisan Nasional bad games. By right, he should be federal minister right now. Well, the people see how cruel BN is and hopefully, they will change starting from Unting departure. May God bless his soul and be with the saints.
RM 4 million to me is nothing compare to what we have lost to BN. Bengoh dam, Mambong dump site, SALCRA, Borneo Highland Resort and many more. I think DBNA should follow the Bidayuh heart and soul and not it members. The Bidayuh are well known as a courteous community and that is why they cannot reject Najib visit and as per expected they got their money in cash. DBNA should look further on what will the Bidayuh be in years to come as Manyin, Ridu, Dawos and so forth is going to die as they are growing old. We cannot stick to Manyin idea to ask the Bidayuh to toil to death and never defense their right as an independent citizen and have right to own land and national wealth.
I hope that the Bidayuh will continue to support DBNA so that there will be more money to come. The money is for good and yes it is not right to say that Najib is begging the DBNA support for BN but the papers reported that the Bidayuh always support BN and this time it is the loudest one after the RM 4 millions. Get the money and get out form BN’s hell and that is my advice. Bidayuh never owe money from anyone but DBNA did and therefore, they must be responsible for it. Please donate more money to DBNA so that the association will never asking money form political party or leaders or else they will remain the proxy as long as the association is controlled by BN supporters.
Monday, February 23, 2009
It’s 1st Anniversary
I should announce The Lost Aborigine’s first anniversary on the 15th February but due to work laden, I just have less time to write. You might see there is less entry or posting this month because I am always traveling to perform my duties for my master. It’s a servant’s heart as almost all of us are being paid by our master.
I am much grateful that The Lost Aborigine is now 1 year old and 39, 756 hit as per today statistic. I feel great when I started to write about Bidayuh politic where things are figured by the fact or without the fact. I mean there might be “sedition” or appraisal to certain individual or organization written. Nevertheless, The Lost Aborigine is always be the way it is and will never change in voicing up the aborigines’ struggles in politic economy and social valley.
I am proud to have some of the posting are posted in Malaysia Today blog and some other blog that might find that the postings are interesting and good to read. I believe that if the blog is well maintained and the quality of the posting is good, we might get a million hits by the end of this year.
I hope that The Lost Aborigine will be more active this year with variety of postings and updates. To all the readers and viewers, thank you for visiting The Lost Aborigines in His Own Country Home. Indeed, we need to be visited as we are isolated far-far away from the modern world. I welcome comments, article from any of you to keep the blog hot and spicy.
I am much grateful that The Lost Aborigine is now 1 year old and 39, 756 hit as per today statistic. I feel great when I started to write about Bidayuh politic where things are figured by the fact or without the fact. I mean there might be “sedition” or appraisal to certain individual or organization written. Nevertheless, The Lost Aborigine is always be the way it is and will never change in voicing up the aborigines’ struggles in politic economy and social valley.
I am proud to have some of the posting are posted in Malaysia Today blog and some other blog that might find that the postings are interesting and good to read. I believe that if the blog is well maintained and the quality of the posting is good, we might get a million hits by the end of this year.
I hope that The Lost Aborigine will be more active this year with variety of postings and updates. To all the readers and viewers, thank you for visiting The Lost Aborigines in His Own Country Home. Indeed, we need to be visited as we are isolated far-far away from the modern world. I welcome comments, article from any of you to keep the blog hot and spicy.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Undesired Change

Last few weeks (19th January) on my return to Kuching from Kuala Lumpur, I met with BN supporters from Sarawak just went back from Terengganu. As I chit-chat with a man known as Sulaiman about the Dayak and its political future, suddenly our conversation interrupted by a man. Sulaiman asked where he from. He said just coming back from Terengganu to support BN candidate in Kuala Terengganu. I asked how the scenario was. “Najib spent a lot but still BN loose”. We smile together and have our conversation until the calling time for boarding.
There were three incidents that the aborigines must understand.
1. Barisan Nasional lost 5 state to the opposition on March 13 last year
2. Barisan Nasional lost at Permatang Pauh small election
3. Barisan Nasional lost once again at Kuala Terengganu although it was BN’s seat
Now let me share my one cent opinion on this scenario. Sulaiman (the man I met at LCCT-Sepang) told me that the Bidayuh and Iban have lost a lot to Barisan Nasional and yet they are happy with it. That is true and a lot of us aware of it since 1963. In fact, the demise of dayak leaders such as Kalong Ningkan, and some of the paramount leaders is the early sign of exploitation. Then we were scattered from SNAP to PBB, SUPP and PBDS.
Should we proclaim “Change” if we could not start within ourselves in this critical time? Some are fighting on NCR Land issue which has no end and hopefully, it will end soon. There is nothing much we can do if we are still stick with SUPP, PBB, SPDP, PRS and keep on quarrel with others. At the end we are still living in poverty and struggle while our trusted leaders are enjoying wine and “body massage” out there. Yes, politic is cheap to us but not our hope and dream for our young generation. We have seen our leaders are bought with million by this and that party and the UMNO all those frogs are “Pengkhianat Bangsa” and “pecah amanah”. But to us, we never feel bad if our leaders jumping ship like Jerrip who was bought from STAR by SUPP and a lot more “inter-parties” horrible transaction. Because, who ever they (our representatives) are we are still the soil shovel and happy with our live.
My brother call me all the way from Padawan ask for my NRIC number for the oil palm project at our area. Now, this is how the journey begins and in few years to come the next generation will complaining about their land being stolen to the oil palm developer. I know that there is some one the village laundering money in the village to persuade the villagers. He is a contractor and cronies to James Dawos and wasted a lot of money in such a weird projects like useless recycling centre in the middle of the jungle and 1 inch thick paved road to SRB St Bernard Sadir.
Why then we ask for a change if we keep on closing our eyes and ears to what is happening around the country. We have repeated the failure every time because we are thirsty for green note in the ballot paper. Well, that is not my fault because I have enough even though sometime I am always in shortage. Money could not change us but we can change the money for better future. It is just a temporary amusement and will the next generation in secure and heading to the bright future if we sell our right at RM 5.00.
We are excited with PKR and Pakatan Rakyat and I have no comment on that. Don’t we ever think that we should rule and let join PR. What is the different id only one or two thousands of us join PKR due to our frustration and not to fight for the dayak right? Better still, we are dividing ourselves into smaller fragment and get exploited again. There is no way for us to be in one political party. Am I stupid to say that? We have been used by our leaders in SUPP, PBB, SPDP, PRS and other party to sustain their wealth. How can there’re five or six political leaders handling one society. It does not practical at all. It is true to say that they are not doing their work because there are many leaders going to take care of us. Why should they worry since there are many leaders around from different party? Parti Bersatu Bumiputera cannot be used as Taib is now usng any kind of method to suck up the state wealth to CMS and Naim.
PKR will never overthrow the BN government in Sarawak but the single dayak with genuine dignity and patriotism spirit. Let Tajem do it alone if he thinks that he and PKR can do it alone but we know what he have done in PBDS. Why should we trust such leader? It’s us to change the government and not the political party.
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