1. Bidayuh still support Tikie, Dawos and Riot on the last March General Election
2. Many Bidayuh youngsters did not register as a voter including myself
3. Bidayuh lost their land at Semban, Rejoi, Bengoh and Pain for the mega builders project of Naim Candera
4. Taib visited Padawan to launch the second phase of Padawan Road and tapped on the table during the election campaign at Anah Rais.
5. Rayang, Belimbing, Gayu, Taee and other villagers lost their land to Jabu Numpang for oil palm plantation.
6. Majen from PKR lost his vote and Dawos won the majority at Bengoh constituency. What is our future under PKR, DAP, PAS and GOLKAR?
7. Najib campaigned at Bau to support Tikie from little Dr. Patau Rubis ( why scare too much?)
8. Richard Riot get caught by Tengku Adnan on “Froggy” story
9. Manyin, Dawos, Riot, Tikie, Peter Nansian, Jerip, Sagah, Bayoi and others cried for deputy minister post but Sulaiman get it from them. Many versus one. Many lost, one won.
10. New kind of resettlement has been approving to pack the Bidayuh into social disease and uneasiness. It is called “Tun Abdul Razak”.
The Bidayuh will get more reward if they continue to support Barisan Nasional on the next coming election. They will get dividend from their share with SLACRA or FELCRA and get boasted with RM 3.00 from Jabu. Those who love pork and wine should get their party ready during election campaign. That is normal scenario and the Bidayuh are grateful enough with RM 5.00 per ballot paper. They vote not for their children’s future but for the pork and wine served and RM 5.00. That is the best description about the Bidayuh’s dignity. It is equal to a kilogram of pork and a bottle of wine. End up, they are complaining of their own made poverty and struggle.
I used to blame NEP, Malay, Chinese, Indian, government, cats, dogs, snakes, rain, and leaves before. Totally, they are not the issues of the Bidayuh discrimination and marginalization. I should firstly blame myself for being a stubborn and stupid clan and not blaming my YB’s and leaders. I should grateful with my job with less pay where I should have a land title and develop it with crops and poultry. Well, it's NEP and the Malay’s fault for us to be who we are. No, it is not, it is my YB’s fault. No, it’s my father’s fault for not being a rich man.
This is the Bidayuhs’ dream. To be stand as tall as and seat as low as other races and get the same proportions. How? They are scattered everywhere. Name it SUPP, PBB, SPDP, PRS, PBDS, NEGARA, PKR, DAP, SNAP, PASOK, PBS, PAS, STAR, AYAM BRAND, GOLKAR, PPP, LABOUR PARTY and all the party in the world. The Bidayuh will only see money and not their future, rights and dignity. Blame me if I am wrong. That is why many of them changed party as they have no political stand and nationalism spirit to nurture their own fate and future. Some are bought million of ringgits to join other party and neglected their hungry villagers and supporters. As a result, the poor and hungry will continue to beg for RM 5.00 during election. Some are ruled by wine, money and woman and that is the legacy of the elite clan of the Bidayuh.
If you go to SK St. Bernard Sadir, you will see 1 inch thick asphalt where there are holes along the short road. The project cost was at about ½ millions ringgit or more and it is just 300 meters paved road to school. At the junction there a recycle centre where the villagers recycle weeds and their stool. I have no idea how mush is the project cost but I am pretty sure that Dawos has wasted money to do such useless project. At the end, the villagers still throw rubbish into the river and enjoy the rough road to the school. Nobody dare to talk about it because Dawos is mighty and his cronies are macho. BPR must visit the area and investigate. I wish to snap the photo but sadly, I do not have digital camera.
The villagers will see funnier project soon. Baby boomers project, wine factory, pig farm, mega bridges, cable cars and so forth. Voting for dace is the solution to hardcore poverty and it works for 50 years. Wow!!
The Bidayuh will be back to the square one this year if:
1. They vote the wrong party and candidate
2. Sell their land to Jabu
3. Play money politic
4. Blaming others instead of blaming themselves
5. Happy with RM 5.00, pork and wine
6. Offer their daughters to YBs
7. Lazy to think
8. Lazy to work
9. Easy to get fooled
10. Stop praying
When it all been said and done. But there is no thing that really matter. Do they know what they want and need? The time will come that they will learn a lesson.
I lost my respect for you when you say you did not register to vote. This is a democracy. If you're not a voter or did not even register to vote, you lose the moral right to speak about anything.
Register to vote, start up a campaign so that others that you think can help turn the tide, will register and vote too.
Part of the reason why Barrack Obama won was because of voters registration drive.
No vote, no talk, bro.
Hei Friend,
Get yourself registered & campaign for the party who can bring change because moaning doesn't make any different, okay. Get done with it. Don't blame anybody if you yourself made no effort to make a change.
I understand your grievances but that doesn't help if effort is not being made in the first place right or not? We can blame others but what about ourselves!!
I am with you in certain ways but that doesn't mean that I agree with everything you do.
No pride. No dignity. That's us, Dayaks, as far as politics is concerned. Lets change!
hahahha.. now you know! i have hated my own race for a very long time. The leader are not committed. It was hate that enlighten me. It was knowledge and empathy that waken me from this slumber land. It was realization that force me to register recently. Lets all celebrate the defeat of current corrupt BN leader by voting PKR in 2010.If PKR cant do the job in 2010, lets vote BN back.. its plain simple.
Goodby Jerip. May you always be remembered!
we bidayuh's always prioritize on enjoying ourselves, especially the younger generations. maybe, this explains our current status, which is so far being left behind. we are actually relying on others to support us.i can't wait for all this to change.
wow! The bidayuhs from all walks of life better starts praying then!no God would wanna help you out if you can't even helps yourselves!
The mentality of our people have to change and we in the know may be the agent of change. Not the YBs or any other parties but we ourselves. What ever party or YBs may rule but abuses will still remind. We the Bidayuhs must be wake up from our slumber and not sell our pride and dignity. To advace economical we are to help ourselves and forget the help from YBs. Wake up wake up
"I lost my respect for you when you say you did not register to vote...No vote, no talk, bro."
'Respect'? Just Forget About It!
Strange it may sound but that's it my dear Dayaks, you have to forget about the word 'respect' in order for all Dayaks to move forward and go for 'Change'. What is respect anyway? Why do you still regard it highly it? Do you have to earn it or moan to demand it? My subject of respect is long overdue and no better way to fix it out other than redefining the word 'respect' once and for all. There is some tendency for many of us that equate respect with support. Just like a number of votes for Dayak YBs simply means the evidence of a great support by the voters. Are you really sure is that all really matter particularly to you all Dayaks? Let me tell you something folks: you are damn wrong and because you believe in that shit and keep being subdued mentally by that respect crap, Dayaks will never see the 'Change'. And multiply the number of Dayaks still having the general sense of sheer ignorance and stupidity, as far as the word 'respect' concerned, Dayaks are either lose out or slowly extinct in the near future and why bother since many of you never realise that 'respect' is just another commodity for political trade.
Politic Of Development by Yang Dikashi dictates that the development deserved upon support received and that is how it'll gonna work as long as the cure for stupidity can be found. And support, as I said, derived mainly from manipulated respect. Yes, you all being duped to show some respect for those leaders that constantly demand it even for anything they do no matter how silly it is or if it'll insult your intelligence. The system created by BN, Umno and Yang Dikasihi plus all the Dayak goons is all about creating a giant illusion: respect by fear. Fear for development will be stopped if you not voting them and all those supposedly obligation by govt (such as education rights etc) will be deliberately delayed or stopped. You can see the very sickness of this system as 'no vote, no talk' by some prick that try to ask other Dayak to register as voter knowing that any vote can be easily bought anyway. You see Dayaks, there are many ways to piss a vote and you no need to tell others to register as voter. They will do it but forgo the idea of support & respect. There are many voters out there but being hallucinated or even just being plain stupid by letting themselves duped by BN again and again. Just like a teenage rape constantly going on until she feels good about it without bothering to report it as statutory rape. Do you highly respect such a whore voters after given the effort to getting them registered as voter initially? Hell no, you can simply buy their vote and keep yourself elected. Same as when you try to get laid, just buy the girl out. So who do you respect more then, a voter or non-voter? No, go and piss yourself to find it out.
This is what happen when democracy no longer hold its true value or meaning as it no longer regard truly the people's voice in the form of recognising their needs and value their intelligence. Shit like vote buying, phantom voters, rigged postal voters are all the essence of insult and the whole meaning of 'respect' as far as this diluted democracy is concerned, no longer required. You may get the most votes but not the entire respect from the people that are voters and non-voters alike. You win by pissed up the system. There's no reason whatsoever for such leader to demand the respect, let alone by virtue to earn it. Nope, far from it. Why try to earn when you can 'buy' it? Because of this corrupted democracy, a whole new concept of respect by BN is the worst tactic ever since the slavery was banned some century ago. Slavery system works in the same way but on both physical and mental torture aspect. With it comes the trade elements, buying and manipulating the slaves to make them work like a machine. Same goes to buying the votes and ultimately buying your respect, albeit not a physical form of slavery, it is a direct act of hijacking the voters' mentality.
And guess what any machine needs to keep going? Fuel, and lots of it. By making the voters as another obedient machine, the leaders can kick them as they like as long they are fed with. The machine cannot kick back but will keep the fuel to run and even if the machine breaks down, another one can be brought in easily to do the work. The idea of respect is almost zero here and that is the turning point. No, you will not hear a machine getting angry and wreck havoc at plants but simply lie dead waiting to be replaced. I'm giving you this scenario of where the world without machines is a dead place, stone age place where Flintstones starts all over again. A world without democracy. A world where you can crush someone's head with a big chunk of rock just because he looks like an ugly disgusting Old Badak or some old rhinoceros. A world without the need to respect and be respected. With that, you don't have to earn or buy a respect as much as the idea of you become a voter is dead. Why would you need that shit? It's every man for himself anyway. Do you fancy living in Zimbabwe in which the world there is as good as the stone age man fighting a baboon for a watering hole and there you got a system of fake democracy where your salary is few hundred billion per month only enough for you to buy a candy? Such a big pathetic joke. Got it my Dayak folks, it's the world where respect made equal to a plain insult.
The Dyaks Blog Final Donkeys:
Before anyone of you try to feed others the word 'respect', asking them to become 'voters', 'democracy' and all those bollocks from your arse, just think about the insult you can possibly generate from your same hairy arse. Think about a candidate without using a party symbol but using merely his own name to campaign in some election. Maybe loosen the rules a bit so that even animals like donkeys, badak or something can stand for an election. Or even a fruit, like buah kepayang. Between those candidates then you can see who got the best intelligent ideas in order to get our respect and trust to represent us. Every man, animal, fruit fight for himself/ itself. Democracy then can only be fully utilised and can be trusted as highly reliable to mandate us a working govt. Now the real question is, would you vote for a golden fruit or a stupid animal as your YB? Not until the campaign slogan that says "I'm With The Stupid".
Please use BM if you want to tapped to many reader. Most of form 5 bidayuh school boys and girls or kampung folks do not know tulisan orang putih.
I think this behaviour of putting the thoughts of others down just because they do not agree with us is simply not keeping up with the times.
If anyone believe democracy does not help our cause, then by all means, pick up a gun and take up political power by force.
The road to victory is long and winding, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Perhaps it is easier to spew hatred and venoms when one under the cloak of anonymity.
Well, there you go. Aborigine has actually captured some of our own dissatisfaction, clearcut there.
Be a voter, Aborigine. Some of these comments are right, but not all. Let's register before the coming DUN election. so we cud have our say. 1 vote makes a difference, remember that.
And hat's with the 'hate your own race' Tetea? you dont use big words like that, you'll trip all over yourself. why dont u do something about it? im disappointed in you.
Big Gio, not all of us drink from sunrise to sunset and mejeng all the time. Some are actually striving and working hard to improve.
But people, keep an open mind. This are actually interesting topics. Now you really know what your race is talking about.
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