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Thursday, May 13, 2010

If Tomorrow Never Comes.

Bahasa Malaysia translation after.

I am very amaze by some of the leaders who really love and serve their people although they might suffer or bear bad consequences by their action. Some are jailed, tortured physically or mentally, deprived and some are hanged to death. Somehow, their love for their sovereignty, justice and freedom for their country never fade.

1. Nelson Mandela was jailed because of apartheid policy by the colony.

2. Mohandas Gandhi was suffering almost to death to deliberate India from the British.

3. Hose Rizal even has to sacrifice his soul for the Philippine’s liberation from a ruthless Spaniard because he loves the land and the people very much.

4. Etc...

During old times, these people are called “Nationalist” and never called as politicians. Nationalist means, a person who has a very deep desire to love his country or people. When this love overcomes everything, he or she will act or do something out of his belief. They talk to the people, write a lot about his hope and dream, correct the people’s mindset and set a direction for his people. Sometime, he makes a group or assembles people for peaceful protest. Or in a short term, the nationalist are the liberator.

We are thought that in Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman is the Malaya liberator. That’s why he is called Father of Independence. But, how about Ahmad Boestaman, HS Lee, Tun Sambathan, Shamsiah Fakeh and some of the forgotten writers? How about those who opposed Malayan Union by erecting banner and street protest during the pre-independent?

In Sarawak, we are thought that Tun Jugah is the liberator of Sarawak (Southern Borneo) as he agreed to join Malaya under the Cobbold commission. We are not exposed to Rosli Dobbie (former teacher) course to fight against the colony and even poor Rentap the head hunter. I don’t really know who are the nationalist? Is he Rentap, Jugah or Rosli? Let us figure out and please read more on this.

Nowadays, there is no nationalist as in this modern era the nationalist is a conventional term. We use the term Politician to those who serve the people and the country. The differences between a nationalist and a politician even apparent:

1. A nationalist seldom rich. Ghandi made his own cloth and cook for himself or even starved. But, a politician drives big cars, owns big houses, plenty of money and guarded by body guard. All are provided. Some married to the artist, actors and actress.

2. A nationalist read a lot and observe his people to make up their nationalism spirit to serve their country. But, a politician always talks a lot, lazy to read and make a specific propaganda to direct the people.

3. A nationalist never give –up even have to face death because his true and genuine nationalism spirit. But, a politician will jump to another party if he get less government contract or a Camry car and accused the party as a very bad party.

4. A nationalist is a philosopher but a politician uses mass media to become renowned. In short term, politician is a national celebrity.

5. Etc…

Do we need a politician or a nationalist nowadays? We have enough of disappointing politician. It’s time to have a nationalist that can drives out path thought this stressful colonial under UMNO. Do not wait for tomorrow if it never comes. Let start to be a nationalist by loving yourself, our family, our people, our dignity, our right and freedom as a citizen to our mother land. Let begin it today for better to tomorrow. Not for you and me but for the coming generation. We are dying soon but before it happened make sure that the next generations are well taken care and live in liberty, sovereignty and equality.

Andai Besok tidak menjelang.

Saya amat kagum dengan sesetengah pemimpin yang amat mencintai dan melayani rakyatnya walaupun mereka mungkin menderita atau menangung akibat daripada tindakan mereka. Sesetengah daripada mereka dipenjarakan, diseksa secara fizikan dan mental, dicemuh, dan ada juga yang digantung sampai mati. Walaupun begitu, cinta kasih mereka akan kedaulatan, keadilan dan kemerdekaan untuk tanah air tidak pernah pudar.

1. Nelson Mandela telah dipenjarakan atas sebab dasar “apartheid” oleh penjajahnya.
2. Mohandas ghandi telah menderita hampir ke tahap maut untuk memerdekakan India daripada penjajah British.
3. Hose Rizal telah mengorbankan nyawanya untuk kemerdekaan Filipina dariada penjajah Sepanyol yang kejam kerana cinta beliau terhadap bumi dan rakyatnya.
4. Dsb..

Pada masa dulu-dulu orang-orang ini digelar Negarawan dan tidak pernah dipanggil sebagai ahli politik. Negarawan bermaksud orang yang mempunya keinginan yang amat mendalam untuk mencintai Negara dan rakyatnya. Apabila semangat cintakan tanahair ini melampaui segalanya, dia akan melakukan sesuatu terdadap kepercayaannya. Dia berbahas kepada rakyat, menulis tentang harapan dan impiannya, memperbetulkan minda rakyat dan mentukan hala tuju bagi rakyatnya. Adakalanya, dia mengadakan perhimpunan aman. Ringkasnya, Negarawan itu merupakan pembebas (kebanyakkannya pejuang kemerdekaan).
Kita telah diajar bahawa di Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman merupakan pembebas Malaya. Sebab itu beliau dipanggil Bapa Kemerdekaan. Bagaimana pula dengan Ahmad Boestaman, HS Lee, Tun Sambathan, Samsiah Fakeh dan penulis-penulis? Bagaimana dengan mereka yang menentang gagasan Malayan Union dan membuat protes pada masa panca kemerdekaan?

Di Sarawak, kita telah diajar bahawa Tun Jugah merupakan pembebas Sarawak apabila beliau bersetuju menyertai Malaya dibawah Suruhanjaya Cobbold. Kita tidak didedahkan dengan perjuangan bekas cikgu, Rosli Dobbie untuk menentang penjajah malah perjuangan Rentap, pemburu kepala. Saya tidak tahu mana satu merepakan negarawan. Adakah Rentap, Jugah atau cikgu Roslie? Mari kita sama-sama mengungkai misteri dan membaca banyak tentang perkara ini.

Pada hari ini, tiada lagi negarawan memandangkan pada era moden ini, negarawan adalah konsep kuno. Kita guna konsep “ahli Politik” bagi mereka yang berkhidmat demi Negara dan rakyat. Namun, perbezaan antara seorang negarawan dan ahli politik sangat ketara:

1. Seorang negarawan keanyakkannya miskin. Gandhi menenun pakaiannya sendiri, memasak makannya malah kebulur. Tetapi seorang ahli politik mempunyai kereta dan rumah-rumah besar, banyak wang dan mempunyai pengawal peribadi. Pendek kata semua ditanggung beres. Ada pula yang kahwin dengan artist-artis, pelakon-pelakon.

2. Negarawan banyak membaca dan sering memerhati rakyatnya untuk menanam semangat cintakan tanahair. Tetetapi ahli politik banyak bercakap malas membaca, dan mambuat propaganda untuk memandu rakyatnya.

3. Seorang negarawan bersemangat tinggi dan sanggup berkorban kerana kasih dan semangat cintakan tanahair yang tulus. Tetapi ahli politik akan melompat parti sekiranya dia memdapat sedikit tender kerajaan atau tidak emndapat kereta Camry dan menuduh partinya sebagai parti yang jahat dan kejam.

4. Seorang negarawan biasanya merupakan seorang ahli falsafah tetapi seorang ahli politik menggunakan media masa untuk menjadi terkenal. Pendek kata ahli politik ini merupakan celeberiti tanahair.

5. Dsb..

Adakah kita memerluka ahli politik atau negarawan pada hari ini? Kita telah muak dengan ahli politik yang korup. Inilah masanya untuk kita memiliki seorang negarawan yang boleh memandu kita keluar dari jalan yang berliku dibawah jajahan UMNO. Jangan ditunggu esok ahri sekiranya ia tidak menjelang. Marilah kita mula menjadi negarawan dengan mencintai diri kita, keluarga, rakyat, maruh, hak dan kebebesan sebagai anak jati. Kita mulakan hari ini untk besok yang lebih baik. Bukan untuk kamu dan saya tetapi untuk generasi muda. Kita akan mati tidak lama lagi tatapi, sebeklum ianya berlaku, pastikan generasi seterusnya dijaga dengan baik dan hidup dalam kemerdekaan, kedaulatan dan kesaksamaan.


Anonymous said...

Long before 1963, the Tanah Melayu has the intetion of over rule the formation of Malaysia agreements and colonised the Borneo Island... that's why there was a "Brunei Revolt" and "Ganyang Malaya" to stop the greed of Tanah Melayu colony power. But there is another greed of colony power from Java needs to take note.
Pray for the new Borneo Nationalist to resist the colony greed from Tanah Melayu and Java... just like the Philippine's Nationalist hero, Rizal.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the true explanation and differentiation between a nationalist and politician, I finally understand that politics is a game of interest.